In 2017 was ikonmaleriet “Salvator Mundi”, believed painted by Leonardo da Vinci, sold for 450 million dollars (almost 4 billion). It shattered all previous records, and made it history’s most expensive painting. This wrote including Forbes.

the Mystery of the “Vaginaenes Mona Lisa” can finally be resolved

After an extensive rykteflom about who the mysterious buyer was, it was revealed that it was the saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, who on behalf of the ministry of culture in The united arab emirates had acquired the image.

But when the picture was uncovered on Louvre Abu Dhabi in september of last year, was the exhibition cancelled without explanation.

Now storms around the plans to set out the image on the Louvre museum in Paris. This reports The Telegraph.

the Reason is the claims that the image is not deleted is painted by the Italian renessansemesteren.

Wrote to the president

According to The Times, no one has seen the painting since the auction in 2017.

No one outside the innermost circles of The united arab emirates know where it is, ” says professor Martin Kemp told the paper.

This responds to the art dealer Robert Simon. He rediscovered the painting in 2005. Then there had been missed in several years, and had among other things been sold to an american couple for only $ 45.

– I have no idea where it is. The mystery of where it is located is of course very disturbing, ” he says to The Times.

the Image’s authenticity were first turned down by some of the world’s leading da Vinci experts in 2008, nine years before the auction. This reports The Guardian.

Kunstkonsulent Jacques Franck, however, is not convinced. He is among those who believe that the painting in reality is painted by one of da Vinci’s assistants.

He claims that both the employees at the Louvre in Paris, as well as “politicians at the highest level”, know that the image is not real.

the Painting was stolen by the mob and presumed eaten by the pigs “Plus

– the Louvre in Paris has the world’s largest da Vinci collection,” he says to The Telegraph.

Franck says he has written to France’s president Emmanuel Macron, and asked him to refrain from participating in the opening of the exhibition if the image is exhibited.

He calls it “almost unconscionable” if the president participates in inauguration of an exhibition where a rogue painting set out.

– Several politicians have contacted me and said that this must be stopped. Macron can’t dedicate an exhibition where a non-genuine da Vinci stands at the side of the “Mona Lisa”. It is inconceivable, ” he says.


He goes on to say that France can not afford to “whipping” it will involve setting out a painting whose authenticity are in doubt from several quarters.

According to the Franck is more associated with the French ministry of culture concerned about a possible scandal.

– An employee at the Louvre, said to me: “I hope that the cruelty is never going to be tuned out with us”.

Franck rely on several leading da Vinci experts, including Frank Zöllner, who, according to The Guardian, have referred to painting as “a quality product of Leonardo’s workshop, painted after 1507 or later”.

He claims maleteknikken pointing in the direction of one of da Vinci’s pupils, Giovanni Boltraffio, rather than against the master himself.

for a long time it was thought that the painting came to England in 1625, and was in king Charles 1. possession until his death in 1649. According to The Telegraph, this has been drawn into doubt, and more experts now believe that the picture in the royal collection was entirely different.

Both his parents had sex with the abuser. So was Jan kidnapped and convinced that she was an alien – “Udødt” painting

Director Michael Delay by british ArtWatch is also sceptical of the painting. He reacts strongly to rumors that the Louvre museum in Paris may not set out the picture anyway.

– This is an amazing development. It seems that this historieløse the painting now also without supporters. It is now in practice a “udødt” painting: no believe in it, no one will say where it is, no one will let it rest, ” he says to The Telegraph.

art Critic Alessandr Vezzosi believes the image has been subjected to too much follow-up work that with certainty can be attributed to da Vinci.

The extensive reconstruction, and all that seems to have been added afterwards, are mostly seemingly unsuccessful. This is most of all visible in the flat, indistinct face and the blank, uttrykksløse gaze, he writes in the upcoming book “Leonardo da Vinci: The Complete Paintings in Detail”, according to The Telegraph.

A spokesperson for the Louvre denies the rumors that the picture will not be tuned out with them.

– the Louvre museum have asked to borrow the “Salvator Mundi”, and want to set it out in October. Jacques Franck are no longer working with us, and has never been the curator at the Louvre. His opinions are his own and do not reflect our, says talspersonen to The Daily Mail.

Whether the image is set out as a da Vinci – or whether it will be exhibited in all – will be ready in October.

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