the 32-year-old Claudia Rex is expecting her first child with her husband, actor Pelle Emil Hebsgaard, 31.

The writing Here & Now.

– I’m six months pregnant now, says the former ‘dancing with the stars’-star to the magazine for the Danish Beauty Awards on Friday night, where she for the first time showed his beautiful belly.

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the Couple know the gender, but want to keep it private in the first place.

– We will not really tell you much else right now, than that we are waiting for a child, and we look forward lord, insanely much. I have especially been waiting a very long time to get the law to shout it out loud, so it’s great to finally come out with it, saith Pelle Emil Hebsgaard, who is the current host of ‘Keramikkampen’.

Pelle Emil Hebsgaard and Claudia Rex become parents for the first time in a few months. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

The upcoming parents stood forth as the lovers in 2017 and became engaged on new year’s eve of the same year.

– It is crazy, it has happened to me. I feel that I have found the love of my life. I also say this to her, for I feel that she is, sounded it from a very much in love Hebsgaard Extra Leaf after a few weeks of kæresteri.

Last summer the two said yes to each other in Frederiksborg castle Chapel in Hillerød.

Claudia Rex won the ‘dancing with the stars’ in 2011, with Joakim Ingversen. Photo: Mogens Flindt

Claudia Rex is after his career as a dancer in ‘dancing with the stars’ cast over radio. She is a daily host on Radio 100, but also she has more tv in the pipeline.