“Dangerous world to open freezer”
“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”
“the climate threat – ”accelerating a dödsspiral””
“in 2018, it was the fourth warmest year on earth ever, now shows the measurements from the klimatforskningsgruppen Berkeley Earth. With the trend of global warming continues. But a lousy news seldom comes alone.n“More bad news. Really bad,” writes meteorologen – and EU-candidate MP-politician – Pär Holmgren on Twitter. He continues: “the Tundra thaws. Methane is released. But there is certainly something else which is more important to discuss …””
“No, of course not. It’s all about observations, which show that one of the most dangerous klimathotsprocesserna increasing the pace, when the permafrost in the tundra – areas of permanent ground frost – is getting warmer. “
“in 2006, noted the researchers that the melting permafrost was a ticking time bomb if not global warming was halted. “
“When the ground thaws put the bacteria started to break down not only the plant residues, and carbon dioxide and methane. In the atmosphere captures methane heat 23 times more effectively than carbon dioxide, but the gas is more short-lived. Global warming risks becoming a self-playing piano in the form of a chain reaction.”
“”to Reach the critical point””
“The frozen tundra has long served as the world’s freezer, now the door ajar. nOm the melting process begins in earnest would ground each year, dropping off as much greenhouse gases today comes from all the world’s cars, boats and aircraft, warned the researchers in 2007. “The risk is that we are already at two degrees can reach the critical point”, said permafrostforskaren Sergey Zimov to Today’s News. “
“In nine years has the temperature in the permafrost have risen by an average of 0.3 grades, according to a study published by four dozen scientists in the journal Nature communications. The examination is based on the measurement results from 150 boreholes throughout the earth. “
“In Alaska has the melting started. We’re up at about 1 degree of global warming. “
“Joe Romm on the think tank Thinkprogress writes: “The only surprise is that the world continues to ignore the greatest threat to humanity, even when it increases the pace, trigger chain reactions and accelerates a dödsspiral for the climate.”nLäget is acute. But it is not the time to panic, but to organize ourselves. On the home front, the measures for the climate in the 73-point program very promising policy. “
“Now must global warming be a major concern for the EUROPEAN elections. It is above all through the EU we can highlight the climate issue on the world stage, and speed up all processes towards the conversion. For we have long known that this is at the time.nwhen the planet, press on the gas, we need to slow down.”