the music festival NorthSide in Aarhus will not sell cigarettes by the year 2020. However, it will still be possible to smoke and brought cigarettes.

It informs the festival’s press spokesman, John Fogde, in a press release.

‘We will by 2020 no longer selling cigarettes on the festival grounds’, he says in the message.

It should still be possible for guests to smoke their own cigarettes in the square.

‘NorthSide must continue to be a sanctuary where our guests can enjoy themselves and be with friends. People should therefore continue to be allowed to smoke their brought cigarettes in the square’.’

‘But the sale of cigarettes will no longer take place, and we’re also going to mention all of our existing ‘Show respect’campaign’.

It becomes no longer possible to buy cigarettes on the NorthSide. Photo: Per Lange

According to John Fogde, the festival has taken its decision on the basis of the ‘public mood’ and ‘interest in a non-smoking city’s.

– the Resolution has been a while coming. It’s all about, that it matches well with our bæredygtigehedsstrategi. We sense that there is a tendency that the guests would like a more smoke-free direction, and that there is a public sentiment against that we sell cigarettes at the festival, ” says John Fogde to Ekstra Bladet.

According to John Fogde the ban will come into force from 2020, and will therefore not affect this year’s festival. It will, however, still be permitted to smoke on the festivalspladsen.

– Those who still wish to smoke are welcome to bring in cigarettes for their own consumption, if they want it. The reason why we come with this announcement, is not that we will get those already smoking to stop, but studies show it can influence young people to smoke, if there is a sale on for example festivals. We will not be with the to. We will not be the festival that gets people to start smoking, and we will not be an organization that stands behind cigaretsalg, says the spokesperson.

John Fogde says that the measure is a part of their ‘Show respect’campaign, which also focus on sustainability.

– It is a part of our campaign, which should also focus on waste, sustainability and less talk during the concerts. In this connection comes also to be a anti-smoking policies, because we think that the time is right, he says.

– obviously, We hope that guests take good care of it. But of course, it is something we will evaluate continuously, ” he concludes.

If you must smoke on the NorthSide in the future, you need to bring your cigarettes. Photo: Per Lange