If you look at the Bible with the eyes of a trauma surgeon, she reads the same different. The Patient is hanging on a cross, he has broken Ribs and internal injuries. A mixture of blood and wound water collects in the chest. The lung gets the stale air with its own power, hardly from the body. The suffocating. But before that, the Patient falls into a swoon. Today, you would not RAM an intubation tube into the trachea, and in that time the medical technology is still so far. But the man on the cross has good luck. A Roman soldier stabs him with the spear between the Ribs, a mixture of blood and water of the breast escape. The Patient survived. He is called Jesus of Nazareth.
Looking for books with the title “Jesus is alive”, gets you in the search engines, a number of hits. Johannes Fried has opted for a slightly bulkier title: “No death on Golgotha” (Verlag C. H. Beck, 189 pages, 19,95 Euro), that sounds like a more explosive revelation. Fried, 76, is, as the subtitle, “In search of the survivors of Jesus” – as a scientist, not as a pilgrim of Faith. Over the decades, this medieval historian has shaped the European history of science.
he now lets his ancestral discipline and a trip to the Bible exegesis, the ancient Philology, and even in the medicine goes, boldly. Who deals with the death of Jesus, is approaching inevitably, the field of conspiracy theorists and Ufo experts. A few hundred years ago you would be banned for such tracts, burned or, at least, been excommunicated. “The search for truth”, Fried in the Preface, “is murmuring are always dangerous.” Whether a renowned publishing house C. H. Beck for this book project would have applied the same courage, if this writer were a Nobody?
The lance as a rescue
Johannes Fried is a study, which fell to him by chance into the hands of the Crucified was: “The resurrection of Christ from a medical point of view”, published five years ago in the subject of organ biology in our time, with a circumference of barely five pages. In the summary of the article it says: “The Spear thrust of the Roman soldier was possibly as a successful thoracentesis and Jesus saved the life.” Immediately Fried made a pathophysiologic technologists and molecular biologists, and knowledgeable. New Testament scholar from the faculty of theology, he is not asked clearly.
From the Catholic science has now been inserted first in opposition to Siegfried’s Jesus-book. Thomas Söding, Professor of New Testament in Bochum, notified serious doubts as to Siegfried’s competence and described his designs in an interview with the Catholic news Agency as “nonsense” and “airy construction that holds no scientific scrutiny”.
With such reactions must have expected Fried. He admits himself that he placed on the ice. Its history is quickly summarized: Jesus, the fighters of the zelotischen ground against the Roman occupiers close to, survived the crucifixion by the life-saving trick of the Roman war servant. The soldiers have kept him dead, I want him on the Hand. Finally, they had given him the Bible, according to the vinegar when he thirsted. Vinegar, in turn, a shallow breathing could keep up in speed and hypercapnia tame – the technical term for the carbon dioxide increase in the lung of the pathophysiological Lodge could have been consulted. Friends beds him into the grave.
diving In the following night, Jesus the vinegar-anesthesia Wake up Men in white robes, probably Essenes, pick him up and on your feet soon him. These men are called angels in the Bible. The next Morning the tomb is empty. Jesus sees that he is not recognized. “Like all the loose ends of his Survival,” writes Fried,he makes before the Roman occupation and the Jewish opponents to protect. He escapes. Probably as a gardener.
The yoke of the Roman occupiers is hard. The Liberator has the economy, here is a Messiah, a Messiah – and all proclaim salvation. As Jesus ‘ followers come to an idea: With a story of how he has to offer you, offers what no other Messiah: the Survival of the death – with the resurrection from the grave. This supernatural interpretation, which comes years later, when the first persecution of Christians, makes the movement a Religion. “This Belief last won the upper hand over reality.”
John peace, under his evidence for Jesus is feeding to Survive with concisely: “Also, rib fractures heal,” he says, and “breathe with lungs”. In the end, Jesus died “sometime and somewhere in the Stranger”. A Fried sprinkled in his thoughts that it was a purely hypothetical “circumstantial ensemble”. The story comes in the journey, he uses but rather the indicative. In the gospel of John described pleural effusion “no way”. John he considers to be the most reliable of the four evangelists, that’s why he relies on him. A poor Foundation. For the theologians of the other three Gospels are considered as the better historical sources. For Thomas Söding, for instance, it is “totally inconceivable”, as Jesus ‘ torture and crucifixion could have survived.
What should I now believe? Everything. Or nothing. Because everything remains open and nothing is for sure. It was always so with Faith. (Editorial Tamedia)
Created: 16.02.2019, 19:50 PM