Around 1916 started the first of a long line of artists his work in the newspaper. Per Krogh, the son of Christian and Oda Krogh, designed not only the classic reklameplakaten with a man who stands bredbent and read the daily newspaper; he enriched the newspaper with teatertegninger, one of the classic genres within avisillustrasjon.

DUSTEFORBUNDET: The brilliant satirist Frederick Stack has left a wealth of illustrated texts and aphorisms. The column Dusteforbundet raljerte with maktspråk, academic tåketale and public idiocy in general. His drawings are outstanding comic and uforliknelige. Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet Show more

For the tidas readers, who were accustomed to the dense, compact columns from top to bottom in the newspaper, page up and page down, it must have been refreshing for such a break. The drawings were the newspaper’s lungs, a breathing holes in the massive tekstopphopningen. Krogh drawn not only actors, he also delivered vignettes to other pages, such as the sport.

A variety of genres

the Drawing has a different function in a newspaper. Besides the traditional teatertegningen, processed by Thoralf Klouman in the inter-war years, it became more and more common with portraits, political satire, humorous drawings, cartoons, stemningsbilder and illustrations for news articles. Some mastered the entire registry, other specialized on one or more of these noble branches.

The longtime editor Einar skavlan talkshow had many friends among artists. One of them was Henrik Sørensen, who so far was a visit to the newspaper. More significant as avistegner was Ragnvald Blix, one of the most scathing, political karikaturtegnerne in the story – with a deep political insight in addition to his artistic endowment. After the newspaper stopped coming out in the spring of 1943, published Blix his anti-nazi caricatures in Sweden.

CLASSIC HAMMARLUND: Søndagsformiddagsreportasje: – Gubbevaremegvæl for a though please – I think I’ll take me a highball! Show more Hammarlunds corner

The subscriber, which without doubt has set the strongest mark on Dagbladet columns, Gösta Hammarlund. He mastered all the above mentioned genres (he started in fact with a cartoon). The only thing he did not worship, was the political satiren.

The human comedy was his discipline, and it restrained him to the fullest. Everyday small fortredeligheter was under the Hammarlunds pen is transformed into the glorious humor in it fixed the drawing in the top left corner on page three, in the replikkvekslinger between kontorister, housewives, gentlemen on the town, sure kjerringer, cheeky chicks and rotløs youth. He took the points on the heel, and often was the sparkling current. Hammarlund helped to give the Newspaper the Oslo-tone marx in his time was known for.

INSTITUTION: Find Graff took over the lørdagsportrettet after that Hammarlund died in 1987. In addition, Graff a glance for the policy which he daily enriches the readers with the through their drawings to Dagbladet comments on page 3. A true provocateur who follow the tradition to put the matter on the tip. Show more

His portraiture was unique, varied in expression, yet there was no doubt about who was behind the. The same applied to teatertegningene. Less attention is an endless number of illustrations to the poems that were a regular feature in the Newspaper every Saturday and to the articles on lørdagssidene, ranging from naturskildringer to the trip reports from abroad.


A permanent fixture in the newspaper was also Frederick stack’s column Dusteforbundet, on the same side as the Hammarlund. But the two stood in no way in any competition. The stack had its own satirical technique. He presented the idiotic and unreadable texts sourced from all over the nation, from local newspapers, fagblad, scientific journals and political statements, with his own comments where he took våset “seriously”. As such, he was a språkkritiker of rank. Bidragenes authors were awarded membership cards.

He also wrote their own texts about a fixed persongalleri, with Dusteforbundets president Darwin P. Erlandsen in the tip.

COMIC: Tradition has the Newspaper in recent times been in the program for a variety of talents that have appeared on the tegneseriefronten. Frode Øverli with his “Compelling” has been a staple in the slots since 1997, long before the series became world famous, and printed in 130 newspapers around the world. Photo: Nina Hansen Show more

Both variants were illustrated in small tableaux of the Stack, with the men and women in various indoor activities, sometimes more or less naked, often surrounded by bottles and glasses and a furniture, consisting of in each case a sofa and a height, plus a picture on the wall.

Alvdals great son

One of the etterkrigstidas most popular subscribers and authors, Kjell Aukrust, delivered their texts and drawings from his childhood in Alvdal, norway to the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet, where they were warmly embraced. They were later bestsellers in books with the titles “Simen” and “my Brother”. But the Newspaper was in front.

KVERNELAND: In five years, Steffen Kverneland, a fixed søndagsside with the series “Amputated classics”, in which he condensed the action and lines from the literary work to a few, aptly routes. Here is a drawing of Edvard Munch, who later became a great success as kverneland’s internationally famous, drawing biography “Munch” (2013). Show more

The biggest political karikaturtegneren since Blix, Hans Normann Dahl, appeared in Dagbladet columns at the beginning of the 1970s. He was a draftsman for a new political era, characterized by the EEC-struggle, the Vietnam war and Richard Nixon rise and fall as an american president. Dahl was one of Finn Graff, which from 1988 was the most scathing, political commentator on tegnefronten. At the same time he showed that he is a portrettegner of rank.

Comic book-boom

Between these storhetene, it’s tempting to mention other that has characterized the newspaper. For many years illustrated the excellent Rune Johan Andersson reviews and articles. Multitalentet Arne Nøst made a long series of teatertegninger and portraits to forfatterintervjuer on kultursidene. The Finnish cartoonist and aforistikeren Henrik Tikkanen was in a period a regular feature on page three. In the product code era has Fredrik skavlan talkshow (as drawing) and Lisa Aisato been among those who have set a mark on the newspaper.

Large audience EEC-MATCH: During the battle for membership of the EEC was the Newspaper in the lead for the no side. Hans Normann dahl’s drawings followed the newspaper’s editorials in the tendency and stillingstagen, here with the title “Yes-the army, the” (1972). Show more

not to mention all the tegneserieforfatterne that has gained a large audience through the Dagbladet columns. The newspaper has followed up the formidable boom of the comics that have occurred in the last 25 years. Talents that Frode Øverli (“Compelling”), Lise Myhre (“Nemi”) and Steffen Kverneland (“Amputated classics”) have used the Newspaper as a springboard to a larger audience.

We can also mention more, adding up names such as John Arne Sæterøy (Jason), Flu Hartberg, Karine Haaland, Børge Lund, Torbjørn Lien, Martin Kellerman and Grethe Nestor/Norunn Blichfeldt Schjerven, who was behind the series “Zofies the world”. All, they have helped to capture a new generation into the tegnekunstens universe, so it through over a hundred years has been presented in the Newspaper.

ACCESS: Lise Myhre had the Newspaper as a springboard as she launched the “Nemi”. Show more