“Educate the newcomers on the Swedish values”

“the Debaters: So, we can stop children and tvångsäktenskapen”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. In the shadow of the discussions on the children to the ICE-terrorists, we are several who asked us the question – who cares about the children, women and men were carried abroad against their will and become vulnerable to child and forced marriages? It is difficult to imagine that children are given in marriage in the world’s least gender inequality country but it is a reality that is still present.”

“the Issue of child and forced marriages has been current since long time back. 2014 strengthened the law against child marriages and forced marriages but återaktualiserades and was especially noticed after the big flyktingvågen 2015. It was revealed that many minors who arrived in Sweden, had been married before their arrival to Sweden. In many cases, chose the Swedish authorities not to act but let the children stay with their respective spouses. It brought great excitement and anger among the Swedish people, which resulted in additional lagskärpningar, of which the prohibition against the recognition of child marriage was criminalized at the end of the year 2019.”

“This can be misinterpreted as meaning that the politicians acted satisfactory, but in practice it has unfortunately not resulted in any significant change. Despite the hundreds of polisanmälningar, only two resulted in a conviction. “

“We don’t know exactly how many carried abroad against their will, the statistics are flawed and the number of unknown cases is huge. Of the 3 496 call that the county administrative board in Östergötland have received since 2014, 37 per cent of calls about people who are at risk forced and child marriage or who have already been abroad. Another study from 2009 shows that as many as 70 000 young adults can’t choose who they want to marry. It is likely to be an underestimate of the situation when the study is 10 years old but it gives a concept about how extensive the problem is. Studies made in Sweden’s four largest municipalities strengthens the prevalence of the problem.”

“It is obvious that more action is needed to stop children – and tvångsäktenskapen. Legislation exists but is difficult to apply because of the burden of proof and the complexity of cross-border crime. “

“the Municipalities need to start prevention work to prevent children, women and men are taken abroad by their relatives. The risk factors for being exposed to child and forced marriages is, inter alia, that the parents are poorly educated, have low level of employment, strong religiosity, and that they live in a segregated area.”

“to further strengthen the work against child and forced marriages, we suggest the following actions:”

“nAlexandra Hedborg, Chairman of Järfälla kvinnojournFaw Azzat, GAPF-Goodwill ambassador”

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