I’m going to miss “Glanz & Gloria”, because of the innocuous Swiss Glamour is now TV-media homeless. Where I’ll get it to me when I need him? So very big celebs Switzerland has not so many. But fresh celebrity is a celebrity. Where are you all now? “Schweiz aktuell”? In a Flash-message, the “daily show”? Of course, I could move to RTL, but there are no Irina Beller. And, of course, you can jet-setting Lady Vera Dillier in the SRF”Club” on Tuesday to invite. However, the attempt has shown that not ideal. In “Glanz & Gloria”, however, celebrities may be celebrities, and I know where I can find you. Were allowed, knew. (ahl)

“Glanz & Gloria” – that was not just a show, but also a reliable punch line supplier. To be more precise: It’s mainly the presenter was, what the tabloids fed regularly with beautiful Episödchen. Unforgettable: Annina Frey’s blue journey, and the subsequent Tirade against the responsible traffic police. “Until today, to me is not clear, what exactly is the drive to be a policeman,” snapped you on your Blog and put guardians of the law, to have nothing in the pants – delicious! (Humorless, the transmitter miss Frey has placed on the dry.) And what luck post” or “view” without the baby luck of the “G&G”face Sara Hildebrand with actor Anatole Taubman”? Or the Tattoo of a guest presenter Bettina Bestgen, could upset an old TV-critics awful? “G&G” dies and the Boulevard is in mourning. (pak)

For me the Situation is very difficult, as I concentrated all my journalistic ambitions in “Glanz & Gloria”. I wanted to moderate! I have started as a Journi, I brought in my columns as a television Director in the game – to be able to one day broadcast was the back door. Accordingly, shocked and disoriented I am since yesterday. Yes, I’m at the end, the total at the end. Hope just gives me the Plan to seize the world domination, to save as a total dictator the shipment again, which threatens now to be drifting off what a ghastly thought – the relevance zone. (atob)

I’m going to miss “Glanz & Gloria”, because it is now a Comeback of Annina Frey is forever impossible. Sigh … (mma)

There are those dresses that you fall in love with immediately when you see them in the Store. Because they Shine so beautifully, sparkle, cut. You can’t hatch different than adding it on and immediately feel special. Somehow, larger, more beautiful, more confident. But when merely you should wear it? It shines so. And the color is a bit striking. And anything short of it is, frankly. But it feels so perfect. Definitely, an opportunity arises soon. To Mom’s 75. Birthday? For Christmas with the family-in-law. Or maybe it gets Cousin Jean-Claude for once on the series get Married. Yes, exactly! By then, you will wear it. Home again, still slightly euphoric, switches to “G&G”, and, as always, a fancy tents presenter is standing there in an Outfit, as you would be invited to the christening of Meghans and Harry’s Baby. It almost looks like the dress that you just bought. And if you imagine what it would be like if you would wear it tomorrow to work. Just like the presenter. Totally self-aware, in the light of day. Everyday life would be so much nicer. Happy. Glamorous. But now the inner is also the presenter ended with a blaze of glory at work. There are only faces and stories. What is then fumble just from the Glitter? (dj)

Because of Irina Beller. Here are selected quotes: “Where High-Society in Switzerland?!” – “You Swiss People are so boring.” – “I think the poor spectators have to see this!” – “You bore me!” – “Have you read my book?! Did you like it?!” – “You steal my time, my very expensive time.” – “The champagne is warm in you.” (I)

I’m going to miss the “pomp and circumstance” in its original Form difficult. The wonderfully trivial TV-Format with our Swiss sausage and bratwurst prominence has let me make the everyday worries to forget – Yes, even the urgent Pay for the tax rate vanished from my memory. In the otherwise staid and serious program from Leutschenbach-les-Bains, G&G made “to” for light-hearted and comical moments, albeit from the creators of the consignment rather unintentionally. Also, I’m not at all in agreement with what we believe the new – harsh – TV Director of the us: That of the topics in the “Rundschau”, “Schweiz aktuell”, “Tagesschau” and “10 before 10” are more important than the fact, where Maria Walliser spends her skiing holidays. Mr and Mrs Swiss have the right to be shallow and uncritical entertainment; in the end, you still have to pay fees for the SRG. And: The daily routine is strict enough, the head may airing – preferably with Rolf Knie & co. (fal)

My favorite section was “me or You?” where any couples or artists to answer a question at the same time with a printed sign, where the options were “I” or “You” possible. Who is passionate? Who’s the better cook? Who cleans more often? The Whole thing had something only few therapeutic – that the Off-comment broke out sometimes in artificial laughter. Well, who will miss the “Glanz & Gloria” – we or you? (phz)

Created: 11.04.2019, 15:48 PM