Helle Thorning-Schmidt was not really in Copenhagen’s inner city to talk about horny male violators and sexual harassment.

Denmark’s previous prime minister asked rather up in front of 700 men and especially women in the Imperial cinema here this evening to push #the meto-the movement in an even more offensive direction in the country she once ruled.

– We are many, who for a long time, have been tired of the everyday sexismen. Almost every woman – including myself – have at some point felt offended in the night, at work or in public transport, said the erect woman, who is now working in London as director of the International Save The Children.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt are enjoying themselves in the Imperial foyer along with twerk queen Louise Kjølsen. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

Helle Thorning-Schmidt’s trump card was that debate, in her opinion ‘is more about power than sex’.

– We need to take a game to talk about, how we socialize each other in a good way. It should not be boring and politically correct. It is, I think, not necessary. It has NEVER been a good style to make themselves funny at the expense of others, stated Helle Thorning.

The message penetrated effortlessly through to the actors as Thure Lindhardt, Vicki Berlin, Charlotte Munck, the two politicians R-chairman, Morten Østergaard and minister of education Merete Riisager and all the others who had turned up for the Extra Blade and Meta Films big debate event in the evening wear.

the Debate, the event’s two hosts and moderators: Lawyer, blogger on the Extra Leaf and the reporter on the Radio 24/7 Nima Zamani and Added the Magazine’s editor-in-chief Karen Bridge. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan.

They were in the city to learn from the experiences of others after #the meto-the movement from strength to strength over the entire world and to discuss how the showdown with the powerful men’s sex-violations come on now.

The retired S-the chairman welcomed in particular the fact that #the meto-wave has helped women conquer the right to be heard, if they feel themselves exposed to insults and sexual harassment.

– Women the world over have thought, it was fucking at the time, stated Helle Thorning-Schmidt, who was backed fuldtonet up of Extra the Magazine’s editor-in-chief and the event has one host, Karen Bridge.

the Danish toppolitik anno 2018 was also represented by the deabt-in the event of violations, and sexual harassment. Here listen soprano Merete Riisager to one of the speakers. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan.

She called to journey ‘a new wave’ – a #wedo-the movement – which go more up in the reconciliation and conversation in everyday life between the sexes.

According to Thorning-Schmidt’s opinion, can manage to avoid heksejagter, if men are allowed to open up for non-criminal experiences with sexual harassment without reprisal. It also requires a reckoning with the culture in which male executives even set the rules. Also the unwritten.

the Debate was spiced with speeches by actors Thure Lindhardt and Sarah Boberg, director of the Meta Foldage and videos, in which actors recorded real residents ‘ – especially women’s – experiences with serious harassment. They are included in the Meta Films training material, which can teach new generations to flirt with respect and finesse.

the Actors Sarah Boberg and Thure Lindhardt full speed. The two actors put words on how #meto-wave has influenced their work. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

Space for humour was also there. At a time spread a relieved, rolling laugh themselves right up to the last stolerække. The small redemption came when a male technician with nothing but good intentions smoke on the knees on the stage in front of His from 9. class. He just had to fix the bold girl’s wedding buttonholes-microphone.

Seconds later everyone could hear Frederikkes bid on what needs to be done to remove misconceptions and harassment: Respect and conversation.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt could not have said it better.


Stars love #meto: Stupid comments is away Actor Marie Askehave. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

the actress, especially known from the tv series ’the Crime’:

Is the Danish men been better to accept a ‘here and no further’?

– I don’t know. But that is a completely different focus on the signals we send as actors, if we f. ex. has scenes with nudity and sex. The stupid comments have stopped. People are much more alert. It is my experience.

Have you even been out for violations in your working life?

I have no need to paint here. But the line between flirting and violations are really hard to define.

How come #the meto-the movement forward?

– I’m chief girl guide for little boys and girls, and I feel a responsibility for the choices I make. It is so important in relation to that they do not develop into ‘a gender’, but to adult women and men.


Actress Ann Eleonora Jørgensen. Photo: Jens Dresling

the actress, particularly well known from the film ‘Italian for beginners’ as well as the tv series Taxi and the Ways of the Lord:

do you find that men in your surroundings has taken the #meto-wave to themselves?

– The I really hope. After all, they are thinking more about when the violators now receive a beam directed towards them. It is more the way we speak to women and writing scripts for women. It has changed, and it is great. Very large. On the way there is a before and an after #the meto-movement.

Have you even been subjected to sexist harassment?

– I will not go into. Not at all. But I have also several years ago had my time with the film company Zentropa, and it has puzzled me, that there first comes a focus on the violations now. I also experienced the atmosphere that was out there.


, author, feminist and ‘Twerk Queen’:

#the meto-wave made life easier for you?

– Yes. At the Roskilde festival there was not someone who took me on the bum. It has been all the other years, so there was at least a distinct change. Young people are far more aware of how they behave. It is perhaps more older men, who need re-education. Many are asking: How should I flirt? But hello – they should know in advance. Abuse and flirt can never come to overlap.

How come the showdown against men’s violence further?

We must educate young men to the a no not a yes, just the pushing even harder. We should change it infuriating the male ideal, where men must be hunters. The problem is that I am experiencing a lot of resistance from men.

Have you yourself been subjected to sexual harassment?

– Lots of times. All the time. I have been called the hooker on the web, and I have received the pictures with the ‘dick-pics’. I have been taken on the arse at a club and has been the kiss of my boss on a stage. I have also , since #meto came forward told of how I was raped. I have been all the nuances through.


the actress, best known for tv role as Anna Pihl and from the films ‘A short, a long’ and ‘king’s game’:

What have #the meto-the movement meant to you?

– The good thing is that #the meto-wave has started a talk, as we only went with our nearest. It is the small unseen things in the language and in our behavior, as you think more about now. It is what we say to each other in everyday life and the structures of power, we must go more up in. We should talk about more. Not the least in our world as the actors.

is your line between flirting and violation changed?

– No. I have always been quite tough.

See also: Ex-the prime minister’s rallying cry: Lisa is tired of the everyday sexismen