“Exciting shortcut to the unknown killer,”

“Sandra Wejbro listening to the ”Bear Brook””

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“”Bear Brook” is yet another true crime podcast, but also a story about the role that the dna-collecting släktforskarsajter started to play in the fight to solve cold cases. A few were arrested the so-called Golden state-the killer that ravaged California in the 70’s, after having been identified through a relative who has uploaded her dna profile on the site GEDmatch.”

“the Method is controversial because it is not considered to threaten the privacy; use of databases for purposes for which they charged up their profile had not the thought itself. Big giants in the american market (such as the ancestry.com) has therefore chosen to refuse to disclose information about its users to the police.”

“Against the personal privacy, way the ability to find the killer and to finally be able to identify unknown victims.”

“If this is Bear Brook, a podcast in six parts of the New Hampshire public radio, which delves into the mysterious case of a woman and three children were found in two barrels, one in 1985 and one in 2000, in the same forest in the northeastern united states. None of them have, in spite of persistent attempts could be identified, but thanks to that kinship could be established in the identification of another abandoned child, succeeded his father (and, in all likelihood, murderers) to one of the dead girls found.”

“The complexity of the story should not spoilas here, but a poignant siding in Bear Brook is about the murder of Eunsoon Jun in California in 2002 and the clever, female investigator Roxane Gruenheid, who solved the case. Not least for the scary clearly depicts how easily a person can lose touch with family and friends, in this case manipulated by a charming, nasty boyfriend that isolated the Jun increasingly. What first appear to be incomprehensible, to a woman and three children be murdered, without missing a single human being, suddenly becomes sad, understandable.”

“no matter what you think about the police use of commercial dna records they have made it harder for people to be assassinated without a trace – and for the perpetrators to hide their crimes.”

“Relax with the meditative BBC-pod Slow radio – it is possible to choose from skogsljud and älvdaliska to klostermusik and herds.”

“Lindsey Buckingham analyzes Fleetwood Macs Go your own way (and his relationship with Stevie Nicks) beautiful Song exploder.”