“Fans of the Youtube stars in the jättebråk”

“the German police have sent a warning to the two German Youtube stars about to rein in his followers. The warning comes after police on Thursday arrested a number of people in Berlin after approximately 400 followers to the Youtube stars gathered in the main square, Alexanderplatz in order to make up.”

“the Police state that it took about 100 police officers, including two who were injured, to avert the quarrel between the around 50 young people clashed. A spokesperson for the police said that the quarrel continued at a nearby subway station where a group of 20 people started throwing stones at each other.”

“According to medieuppgifter to the fight to have started after the two rival Youtube personalities met in a settlement.”

“After the incident to the police now that people who have many followers on social media to take greater responsibility.”

“– We see among rappers, and more and more often, among other influerare, sometimes they are very negligent when it comes to their own influence, ” says Norbert Cioma at the police.”