In a time where it is a rarity, throws the sun in the day its life-giving rays of the sun in the Church Holmens kirke in Copenhagen, where Troels Kløvedal appear to rest at 12 o’clock.

the Coffin will subsequently be driven to the Holmens cemetery, where there will be jordpåkastelse.

the Sun shines over the Church Holmens kirke on the day of Troels Kløvedals funeral. Photo: Jonas Olufson

the Adventurer have the weather gods on his side at her funeral, he even laid the path for.

Before his death, the night before christmas eve, he held meetings with the dean Ejgil Bank Olesen, who also conducts the funeral, and agreed, how the funeral should go.

the Program for today’s funeral. Photo: Ekstra Bladet

In the style of, to Gardiner, in his 75 year long life had been in touch with a sea of people through his many lectures, books, tv shows, and races, it is an open ceremony, where there is access for all.

The front part of the church, however, will be reserved for family and friends.

it is Not surprising that the church also a comprehensive attendance among family, friends and acquaintances, but also among people not directly related to Troels Kløvedal.

the well-Known Touching obituary: Goodbye to a sea god

Among the attendees is the actress Iben Hjejle.

– I am here today because my father was ungdomsvenner with Zoe, so I escorts in fact my father. He was a great figure, she says to Ekstra issued.

the Photographer Jacob Holdt is also sprung up to say a last goodbye to the explorer and archaeologist. Photo: Jonas Olufson

Actor Lisbet Lundquist arrive to the church. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan/Ritzau Scanpix

Troels Kløvedals grandson of Emil Erichsen arrive. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan/Ritzau Scanpix

Gardiner has a wide embrace in his audience – also by age.

One of the many who came to the Holmens Church to say a last goodbye, is a 21-year-old Josephine Smith.

– I have always enjoyed reading his books, so I’m here really just to take leave of him.

– I think that he was good at putting things in perspective. The way he has reflected on the things he has seen, is pretty amazing.

– I have travelled a lot myself and have thought that it was cool to notice the things that Peter has noticed, she says.

Cecilie Frøkjær is also among the attendees. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan/Ritzau Scanpix

john eliot Gardiner showed the danes that there is a different way to travel – and a different way of life. Photo: Jyllands-Posten

Even if john eliot Gardiner was not religious, it is neither the one case, or in any way against his will, that he’ll have a church ceremony.

– It was only natural, said Mikkel Beha to Ritzau some days after his death.

well-Known Kløvedals secret sister: didn’t Know I was in family with him before I was 13

– My dad has always had a very close relationship to the Holmens Kirke. He has come that much, he has filmed in there. And so is the Danish church.

– And, above all, it is the only church in Denmark, which is all the way down to the water. The walls go straight down in the canals of Copenhagen. We should probably have sent him beautifully away, said Mikkel Beha.

john eliot Gardiner passed quietly into 23. december at his farm on Djursland peninsula, surrounded by his five children and his wife, Else Marie Meldgaard.

He was a trained electrical engineer officer on ships from Elsinore Shipyard, and cinematographer.

Danish well-known – 23. dec. 2018 – at. 21:17 Kløvedals mantra: Not a tragedy to die as a 75-year-old

He reached to hold around 2000 lectures, publishing over 20 books which were supposed to be sold over a million copies, and participate in over 30 tv shows.

On its three jordomrejser and countless other races with its famous, tomastede sailing ship, Nordkaperen, he had more than 900 different crew members aboard.