Last week, the daily newspaper Dagbladet about the conflict around the popular tv series “Fjord Cowboys”, which since 2014 has followed the harsh arbeidskarene Leif Einar Lothe (49) and u. r. Brought (39) through the daily work environment in the construction industry.

First came the news that the Flicker film, the production company behind the TV program “Fjord cowboys” has gone bankrupt. Then was it raised doubt about whether the TV 2 has the rights to view the scheduled, upcoming season of the program on the TV.

Such is the spring at TV Review Plus

Now, it is clear that konkursboet after the Flicker film has sold “Fjord Cowboys” to the TV 2. It confirms bostyrer, a lawyer, Per Christian Eriksen in the law firm SimonsenVogtWiig to the Newspaper.

– Too small

Erickson is familiar with the serieskaper Hildegunn Wærness requirement to get back the rights, but believes the agreement in her contract is not binding on the estate.

– We don’t need to respect a contract that gives Hildegunn Wærness right to raise something just because of the bankruptcy. We have sold the rights that we have, so the buyer must take a stand to it, ” he says, and explains:

– the Estate is of the opinion that the clauses which provides for a special agreement in a bankruptcy, is not valid.

How much did you for the “Fjord Cowboys”-rights?

We got too little, 200 000. But there is no other that can buy them, ” says Eriksen. The reason is that the TV 2 is already sitting on the other rights of the series, which makes that they are the only ones who can take advantage of the Flicker film their rights.

According to the press officer Alex Iversen for “Fjord Cowboys” in the TV 2, did the bankruptcy at the Flicker film it so that TV 2 was given additional outlay to secure the remaining rights for publication that were in the konkursboet.

– TV 2 has had a good cooperation with the Flicker film through the years “Fjord Cowboys” have been on the screen. From and with season two of the TV 2 fully funded all the seasons of “Fjord Cowboys”, it is also true for the season that will soon be on the air, ” says Iversen to the Newspaper, and continues:

– These remaining senderettighetene has basically no value for anyone other than the 2 TV, then the TV 2 whatever has been sitting on the majority of the rights to the concept.

ODDA: Leif Einar “Lothepus” Lothe to meet us at home in his house in Odda, where he is knitting and telling about life. Video: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet Show more Konkursklausulen

Serieskaper Hildegunn Wærness told Dagbladet last week that her contract has a clause that gives her the rights to the TV series in the event of a bankruptcy.

I don’t understand how the owners of the bankrupt Flicker film also sees the last season of “Fjord Cowboys” appears on the TV without that they have arranged up with me, ” said Wærness to BT.

Dagbladet has been sent a screenshot of the current contract. The contract is designed by the forbundsadvokat Bjorn A. Brem at the Norwegian Filmforbund, and signed by both parties in 2015.

“In case of manufacturer’s bankruptcy or material default, they fall rights the rights holder has granted to the manufacturer, back to the copyright holder 30 days after the konkursbegjæring have come into …”.

Now hope Hildegunn Wærness on a solution that works for all parties, and that provides a worthy ending to the series.

When I come and create a series that celebrates the working class and a type of “old school”masculinity, which are about to crumble in Scandinavia, so I think not what has happened in the last match with the values I wanted to convey with the “Fjord Cowboys”, she says to Dagbladet.

SERIESKAPER: Hildegunn Wærness created the tv-success “Fjord Cowboys”, which premiered in 2014. Here along with u. r. Brought, and Leif Einar Lothe. Photo: Ragnhild Sørheim Show more – Not legally enforceable

Bostyrer Eriksen argues that konkursboet have never gotten any inquiry from Hildegunn Wærness with the requirements on the reversal of the rights that are now been sold.

– There is far too little money in the estate to make any analysis of the rights. We had gotten an inquiry from her, would we put on it. We have seen it suggested, but have not had any direct contact, ” he says, and stresses:

– With the greatest respect for her rights: these clauses we often experience, but we do not believe that they are legally enforceable and that we do not need to respect those. We only sell what we own, and she must take it up with the buyer.

He also says that the claims about the “ongoing royalty” continues unimpeded by the bankruptcy.

He emphasises that the rights that are sold, are the ones that the estate had when the bankruptcy hit, and that if the TV 2 need permission from others to send the “Fjord Cowboys”, they even overtake them.

– Goes as planned

the TV 2 have previously said to bransjebladet Campaign that this year’s season of “Fjord Cowboys” will go as planned on the TV 2 Zebra and TV 2 Sumo, and that it is the production company Maverix to complete the season.

Lothepus: Collapsed in the funeral ten years after his brother’s death

Now, there is also planned a premierefest for “Fjord Cowboys” on the Iris Scene Odda, where the first two episodes from the new season to be shown on the big screen, according to invitasjonsteksten.

the Norwegian Filmforbund represents Hildegunn Wærness in this case. Forbundsleder Sverre Pedersen says that the union is aware that bostyrer have added the Flicker film productions out in the market to get money into the estate, including the “Fjord Cowboys”.

– Bostyrer had not been able to read the contract to be afraid of him. When our lawyer contacted them, it was totally new information for konkursboet, he says to Dagbladet.

HOSPITAL: Leif Einar Lothe get a visit from family and co-habitants, after he was involved in a work accident. Video: TV 2 / Flicker Film. Show more – Worrisome

Pedersen believes Hildegunn Wærness as serieskaper owns the concept of “Fjord Cowboys”.

– Bostyrer relate only to the bankruptcy act, but he can nothing about copyright. He has not the understanding that the regulation is a part of the law in Norway, ” he says, and adds:

Uncertain TV future: – Sad

– It is very worrying. It says in the regulation and in tilskuddsbrevet that if this is not met, and the manufacturer goes bankrupt, the NFI may require to take over the works. It is just that that is something of the issue in question.

Bostyrer believes, however, that the current regulation that forbundsleder Sverre Pedersen refers to is a budget decisions given by the NFI, which is not provided for in a law. He thus finds that the NFI cannot change what is decided in the dekningsloven, or other statutory provisions.

Pedersen believes that there is much that needs to be cleaned up before season seven can be displayed on TV. He tells us that filmforbundets lawyer now is in dialogue with the TV 2 to get resolved the issues around the rights of serieskaper Hildegunn Wærness.

– Their primary interest is to get sent this past season, as they have paid for. It should be okay, as long as we come to a solution with the TV 2 with Hildegunns payment. And I’m very optimistic, ” he says.

the Full argument about the “Fjord Cowboys”