“For many there is no alternative to the car”

“Replica from the Taxpayers’ managing director, Christian Ekström increase in the gasoline tax.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“DEBATE the World’s highest bensinskatter must be even higher for the climate’s sake, think both Mattias Goldman and Lorenz Tovatt. “

“the Problem is just that the higher bensinskatter does not save the climate. On the other hand, the large effect on the household economy for hundreds of thousands of swedes. “

“In januariöverenskommelsen of the S, MP, C and L agreed on a green tax shift of at least 15 billion. Mattias Goldman is trying to redefine the idea of a green tax shift and you want the money the state pulls in on the rise in bensinskatter to go to matsubventioner and public transport. If the supposedly liberal think tank may, as it wants to there will be a tax – and utgiftshöjning instead of taxation. “

“Green party climate change spokesperson Lorenz Tovatt has, of course, right in that today’s cars use less fuel than they did 20 years ago. But he should also realize that there are far more factors than the Swedish petrol rates that affect the development of technology. “

“The green future is already on the way. Sales of electric cars has literally exploded and every tenth car sold in Sweden last year was an electric car. It will not be long before electric cars are cheaper than fossildrivna cars and completely takes over the new car market. “

“a Few cent higher gasoline tax in Sweden, neither the to or from for the climate, on the other hand, the large effect on the household economy of families in rural areas. And the very hardest to beat a tax increase against those who can’t afford to change the car.”

“The lack of understanding of how everyday life looks for many swedes are in fact the most remarkable feature of both Goldman as Tovatts replicas. For those who live in big cities is the public transportation – in all cases, for the most part – a options. “

“But for many, there is no alternative to the car. For most people who live outside our urban areas, the car is a must, to get to work, ferry the kids to school and leisure activities or to buy food. “

“For them forms the cost of gasoline is already today an economic burden. The constantly rising bensinskatterna makes it hardly easier to get life to go together. “

“to the limited environmental benefit straffbeskatta them with small margins and without alternatives is simply not defensible.”

“nChristian Ekström, ceo of the Taxpayers”

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