In Friday demonstrated thousands of algerians, for the fifth week in a row, with the requirement that the aged president of the republic shall resign. But who rules the country? The 82-year-old Abdelaziz Bouteflika has not opened his mouth in public since a stroke in 2013. One of the most absurd details of the story is that Algeria has been governed in the six years of the – of a painting.

Kamel Daoud ( ”the Case of Mersault”) recently wrote a devastating piece in Le Monde about the situation. Among other things, if it photoshoppade presidentporträtt that has kånkas around in official contexts, as a substitute for the gerontiska the sovereign.

A portrait of the höljts in honors, met with foreign guests and received gifts of horses(!). Young blogger who has been tavelkulten has been sentenced to prison. ”It is the world’s most expensive painting. It has cost us years and years of inertia and extortion, it is going to cost us a hard, dangerous but also beautiful revolution”, says Daoud.