It is only a good two months ago, to nationalskjalden left us. But already now we can soothe missing after gavflaben with the entertaining and touching biography: ’Kim Larsen – in My young years’.

Kim Larsen gave us the most beautiful songs, but he was never much for letting the public glare in his private life. In the biography we get spillemandens own story told in his own words. A story that stretches from birth to Gasolin’s first concerts in the late 1960s.

the Plan was originally that the biography should cover the whole of Larsen’s life and career, but the singer’s demise put unfortunately a stop to the plan. Instead, the book has been a detailed description of His childhood and youth. A story which has not previously been told.

In the book, only Larsen, who comes to the voice, which makes good sense. Larsen is an excellent tell with a razor-sharp remembrance, which will be spiced with a warm, selvironisk glance, when it comes to his own sore points and weaknesses. The language of the book is unmistakably His, and for the inner ear we hear clearly the singer’s voice when the ladies as well are met with a: ’you Must with down the street, sister?.

in Several places in the book remove the Larsen however the myth of the self-confident gavflab. In his youth he was both shy and insecure, and in relation to the ladies, he came late in the time: ’I had kyssetøjet promote, but never pants down’.

Danish well-known – 2. dec. 2018 – at. 08:57 Therefore feared Kim Larsen press

the Biography is mostly a story about Kim Larsen’s upbringing in Copenhagen’s Northwest area with her mother Eva and the unruly older brother Tore. But the book also provides an excellent image of Denmark in the 1950s and ‘ 60s, and the smoldering revolt of the youth. Even was Larsen too conservative to participate actively in the youth. And to rebel against the mother-Eva gave no opinion.

part book pages are used to depict the mother and her family on the island of Funen, while the father, Alfred, and his spritter-family is being done on a few pages. ’Don Alfredo’, as the two brothers called their father, progressed from the family, as Kim Larsen was five years old, and his sons never saw him since.

the Biography sadly not much gunpowder, what it meant to Larsen, that he grew up without a father. Instead, celebrate the mother to create a safe childhood home. A home, where the money was small, but where that was humanly and mentally high ceilings, and when Larsen learned: ’That the rogues are the funniest’.

Danish celebrity – 30. nov. 2018 – at. 08:47 Kim Larsen died in the midst of his last great project

Kim Larsen felt out of place in high school, where girls called him ’Kimpanse’, and he was bored mightily at the teachers training college I. A pure revelation was a stay at Askov folk high School, where he got forfatterdrømme and wrote one – never released – murstensroman with the very Larsenske title: ’A day’s happiness’.

Back in Copenhagen took the ’music of the demons’. But the road to a music career was bumpy, until Larsen met ’the skeløjede halvsvensker’, he was Jønsson. A friendship which is warmly and lovingly portrayed in the biography.

the Rest of the story – and the songs – we know. Now we are also become a bit wiser at the man behind the musical miracles.