the Cathedral, in all the centuries that it is now on its island in the centre of the city, had never so much your peace of mind as it is now. Exactly a month after the fire that had destroyed almost, was built around Notre-Dame, a protection zone, which makes it right in the middle of Paris, very quiet. Where not the His prevents people from approaching the Church, doing it locks police. The cafes and souvenir shops, which benefited until the middle of April of the proximity to the Church, got into the Offside. 80 percent less income you have the composite of 50 shops, which belong to the Quartier Notre-Dame complains.

it is so quiet at the Cathedral, according to the discussions, which are now held for four weeks. It is unclear whether there will be on one of the Central questions ever to answer: How could it come to the fire? The investigations of the Paris police. The official statement is as follows: An accident is the most likely cause of the fire. Currently, experts are working to reconstruct exactly how the fire started and spread. At the earliest in a month, you can expect the first results of the investigations, the Prosecutor’s office, which has opened a procedure due to “involuntary destruction by fire”.

However, a lot of French try it out for yourself, as a researcher, than to wait for the conclusions of the experts. On the Internet Videos are shared on which unsuccessful in oak logs around is gezündelt. In order not to be proved, that the Thesis of the accident is preserved. Because, so the logic of the Hobby-forensics, if it’s so hard to put an oak fire, then how can catch within a few hours the whole of the oak roof of Notre Dame fire?


experts such as Benjamin Truchot by the National Institute for industrial risks and saved to explain that, in the case of the Cathedral will be crucial that the Brand is likely to be broken out in the Interior of the roof, so protected from the Wind. In addition, history has shown time and again that even massive structures such as a Church, can catch the ship without any trouble of fire, for example, the Chartres Cathedral in 1836. Various chemical analyses have been made in the Interior of Notre-Dame, in order to determine whether the traces of fire can accelerator. Result: negative.

The possible causes of the accident has, so far, “Le Canard enchaîné” most extensively, the newspaper writes of “a series of human errors”. So the fire Department had been called in only after 35 minutes before the warning signal of a smoke detector went off. The security personnel have classified the Hit of the smoke detector first, as a false Alarm. The security staff had obviously been saved. Actually, there is a fire protection plan to patrol every day and night two guards in the Cathedral, the official target had been deleted, according to the “Canard enchaîné” implied. A single man was responsible, and only from eight in the morning until 23 o’clock in the evening.

short circuit is likely to

Not compliant to the companies, the goods for the renovation work, carried out when the fire broke out. To 17.20, left the workers shot on 15. April, the construction site on the roof of the Cathedral, an hour later, the fire was discovered. Between the rubble and ashes were found on the floor of the nave after the fire of cigarette butts, in spite of the strict ban on Smoking. The contractors have admitted that their employees not held to the ban.

experts and investigators consider it more likely that a short circuit triggered the fire. The possible causes are many and varied. In the roof turret, which collapsed during the fire, were laid the electric cable, to let the bells ring. In addition, the construction workers worked lifts with electrically powered load.

But it is not only the question as to the Why, the How is more for debates. On Friday, the national Assembly has approved, after 13 hours of debate, a law that is intended to help the renovation work on the Cathedral to accelerate. Finally, the President of France Emmanuel Macron has announced that Notre-Dame should be rebuilt in five years. In order to create this fast pace, the new law provides that in the reconstruction of Notre-Dame against the rules of the monument and environmental protection are violated. A fact that even France’s best-known conservationist, Stéphane Bern is upset, is actually considered to be loyal supporters Macrons.

“permanent building site”

at the Earliest, the end of the summer, the reconstruction could begin. Currently, a good 60 architects, carpenters, bricklayers, stonemasons, glass builders and roofers are busy, parts of the Cathedral in order to preserve them from collapsing. Over the nave of the Church was laid out a huge tarp, which protects the Interior from rain. The side gable and the upper vault were damaged by fire and extinguishing water so strongly that they need to be supported.

Charlotte Huber is one of the architects, the guide currently in the works. In an Interview with Le Croix, you are left, as regards the specification of Macron: “Our aim is that in five years, Notre-Dame, his Silhouette again, has found a roof, and that you can visit the Church.” The renovation works are completed, does not mean the. “A Cathedral is a permanent construction site.” (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 15.05.2019, 12:55 PM