The fire broke out shortly before 20 clock in an attic apartment on the third floor of the house on Rousseau street, in the city of circle 10, as a spokesperson for protection & rescue Zurich Keystone Agency SDA said. The flames would then have access to the roof over. This had been broken up by the fire forces in places, in order to combat Brand . The fire brigade brought the fire finally, late in the evening ended.

a Total of 15 residents from the house unharmed. They were brought for the first hours in a bus to the Zurich public transport system, which had remained on account of the fire and blocked road in the vicinity of the house. The Evacuees had to spend the night, finally elsewhere. When you are able to return to their homes, was initially unclear.

The fire originated according to the speaker of protection & rescue, damage to property, in the amount of one hundred thousand francs. The police will ascertain the cause of the fire. Firefighters and police were against 50 people. (sda)

Created: 11.01.2019, 02:24 PM