“was not An avalanche of this scale, to predict”, said Bruno Vattioni, managing Director of the säntis tracks at a media conference. Never in the 84-year history of the säntis mountain railway, there had been something like that. Even experts were surprised. “We have avalanches a lot of experience,” said Vattioni. Avalanche dangerous is actually the southern flank of the Säntis on the other side.

That avalanches on this scale are rare, and can confirm that Benjamin is in doubt, an avalanche forecaster at the Institute for snow and avalanche research (SLF),. He has in the SLF database, where since the 1930s, more than 15’000 Avalanches are registered, checked, and found this säntis page to three events.

So was poking 1942, a large avalanche up at the location of the säntis track and has damaged the bottom station, where today the Hotel Säntis is located. Two more Avalanches took place in 1965 and 1986, but they came to the West and to the North-East of the site down. Here were damaged huts. People do not come to harm.

According to a doubt, the avalanche had from Thursday in the demolition area has a width of nearly a Kilometer. Doubt can’t remember, when in Switzerland, an avalanche with such a Size, down is down. The masses of Snow thundered over the Säntis-the North-West wall on the Schwägalp. The snow was dry, and there was sure to be a big dust.

There are no people missing

After the avalanche has evacuated the police Department of the Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden in the night on Friday, 75 people into the valley. In addition, a cottage in the area as a precaution, had been evacuated. 30, hotel guests and 11 workers are located, according to police, continue to be on the Alp. The road to the resort remains locked. Due to the heavy snow and avalanche danger, the rescue teams had set the scanner to Scan the avalanche cone on Thursday evening. The search in the avalanche cone was also a dog with two avalanche search. So far, no calls reporting missing persons to the police. The hotel guests and staff were accounted for. Moreover, the police had not known that would have stopped other people in the Region.

As the police Department of the Canton of Appenzell Ausserrhoden in the final media send writes a message on a later Friday afternoon, one could say with certainty that no one had been buried when the wall of Snow is completely cleared away. The Work, as long as it allows the weather situation. Overall, were/are more than 180 forces. While the access to the valley station of the säntis train remains locked, the schwägalp road to traffic since Friday morning.


Created: 11.01.2019, 18:38 PM