We live in aggressive, overheated, enthemmten times, the freedom of speech and freedom of artistic expression is always strained again violently. Whether outrage in the safety of the Internet anonymity, Erdogan abusive poems, Trump meanness, Pegida-bullying or murderous attacks like the one against Charlie Hebdo or other cartoons of Mohammed – the question of who oversubscribed whom and what may Satire is more political than ever. The joke as a risk zone: In dictatorships of some of the risks with jokes of his life. In democracies, the career on the game, or, at least, the Job as a TV Comedian is a maximum.

Stupid jokes like Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer at the Stockach-based fool’s court toilets for intersex belong in the face of increased root in the public discourse to the more harmless variants. Your chances of getting the candidacy for Chancellor is likely to endanger AKK hardly. Nevertheless, your well as men, joke intended, quite failed to Pointe about the Gender-morality of the apostles and the types who do not know, whether you can stand when you pee or have to sit has triggered – which is why you need a “toilet for the third sex” – a new debate on humour and morality. On political correctness and minority rights in the majority of society.

The Problem: The joke is, by nature, never politically correct. I’d say, what not to say, I don’t trust me: Its basic gesture of the breaking of taboos, the Subversion, that is why it is often about Sex and Power and God and death. Its Material is in very many cases, a prejudice, a resentment, repressed hatred, racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, violence, fantasy, is a social No-Go. The joke, wrote Sigmund Freud in “The joke and its relation to the Unconscious” is controlled engines. In other words, in the Pointe of the process of civilisation is taken back for a moment, Freud calls it “saved inhibition expenses”. Every joke is potentially indecent, unjust, contemptuous, derogatory, offensive, inconsiderate, cruel. The Laughter from the borders of the Mocked, the honour of, denied respect. The taunt has the same word root as the Spit.

As the chief jokes (i.e. politicians, teachers, doctors, police officers, or blasphemous jokes), according to the Motto: Who has the Say, need not worry for the ridicule. What is the difference between the Bundestag and a theatre? In the Theater, good actors are poorly paid. Boss jokes goals from the bottom to the top, you liberate and disarm, to act as a corrective against the powers that be arrogance and abuse. This anarchic, rebellious Moment in each carnival meeting, the carnival is based on the freedom of the Powerless. Often the personality will be affected rights. Kohl as a pear, even the rather cosy post-war German sense of humour about physical fun. What is the man for his face shape? The Dignity of the human person is violated in the joke.

victim to jokes, it often comes down to who tells you

on The other, there is the category of the victims of jokes, in which the mockery is Powerless, the Disadvantaged and the Discriminated. Victim of jokes from objectives from the top to the bottom, you limits. The often stale dirty jokes, as you change into joke books, Calendar and the canteen humour, addressed to fond of minorities. Also you are undermining the authority of the morality, of the respect bid. East Frisian jokes, poles jokes, blonde jokes, gay jokes, Jewish jokes – the terms writing, from the author of a discomfort. The music joke of the violist-heard joke in the victim category, and in the just to the end of the carnival go AKKs joke, or better, your joke attempt. Where the victim of jokes to be told by the Victims themselves, is a kind of Trauma work to deal with the Repressed. The victim of a joke is trying to break the Superiority of the Non-manageable. It is a difference if a Jew tells a Jew joke, or a Goy, a Non-Jew. And the first 9/11 jokes came from America (“American Airlines: We fly you directly to the office”).

“Satire may be no need to rush,” says daily mirror cartoonist Stuttmann

Now the joke is increasingly in a Dilemma. Because not only in the (a-)social media, quick time enthemmte society is in ever-greater opposition to, thankfully, increased sensitivity of the public use of language. Discrimination, sexism, racism, anti-Semitism no longer have long been regarded as a trivial offence. Political correctness and respect for each other are understood to be in Parliament, in the media, in schools and universities. Deviations are punished. A Federal German Parliament, is attacked in the verbal as in the days of ostrich (“stalkers!”, “Shut Up, Ivan!”) or more Raven Wehner (“evil crow,” Jürgen, “Hodentöter” Jürgen todenhöfer), is in the Berlin Republic to imagine. And also in discussions on Pippi Longstocking’s “Negro king”-Papa, and other “bad words” in children’s books, the company agreed on where the border between the potentially necessary interventions runs in classic, over-exaggerated morality apostelei.

“Satire may be no need to rush,” said der Tagesspiegel cartoonist Klaus Stuttmann in 2016, on the occasion of the setting of the criminal proceedings against Jan böhmermann, because of the Erdogan-invective (by the way, is exactly addressed: the joke and its moral and legal limits). “You must not target people who are already social loser. Other boundaries it is not,“ so Stuttmann for me. According to this rule, Kramp cart Builder’s toilet joke would be an unacceptable moral transgression. Because intersex is not have it is not easy in the society, give them recognition, by no means only, if you have to choose between the men and the women – toilet.

Laughter is not only rebellious, it is also the collective

The joke, the Satire, the mockery is encouraged to belong to the essence of democracy. As hard as it is, also have the right to bad jokes you have to defend, whether or not it shall be liable to böhm’s macho “goat fucker”-the breaking of a taboo or Kramp cart Builder, trying to make sure the shoulder knocking the conservative CDUler by about as much respect for the minorities-sensibility of the “Latte-Macchiato-group”. Laughter not only contains resistance potential, it is also the sense of community can strengthen, the “Stammtisch” -mood. This is the ugly Reflex in Kramp cart Builder’s, not toilets-wit: That he Cherkassy amazes in the context of your audience against the sting, but the (at least perceived) majority belief strengthened and confirmed.

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But where do we get, if only the jokes may not be ripped, held as a success? If only the “Right” you may tell? What authority we would have to bow to us, who decides? No reason to worry: Because a politician makes a bad joke, many, arguments are exchanged. And the Public thinks once more about the changing awareness in dealing with each other, the respect of the majority before the minorities, about Power and morality, freedom and laws. Well, it’s called democracy.