Brusquely, the vehicle decelerates by the end of Harald. Then we see: ice towers emerge out of the mist, in between the snow in the holes. To the right of us the same picture. Dimly the outlines of the cascade of ice-pinnacles, in front of the diffuse White. Still, we stöckelten back to clamber over the flat Glacier. Now we are in the midst of the Glaciers. The shock sits in the bone. It’s high time to go to the rope!

But then it flits only a few yards in front of us a group of skiers swaths through the fog. Also from the rear, a two-tour driver pre-noise at a brisk pace and swing in front of us on the glacier blocks. What now: we Are rabbits afraid of?

What is the gut feeling says? What are the facts?

The mountain guide gathered us in a safe of ice ridges. As always, if nervousness is in the air, speaks Michael Walther stresses slowly. The umlauts disappear from his Berne German, the width of the top foreign Idiom press. So: What the gut feeling says? The Facts?

We are in a Coaching course, where we will learn for themselves to ski Mountaineering and snowshoeing. The fog, the poor visibility and the columns speak for us safety harness. On the other hand, a good track has been laid. In addition, a mountain guide Walther drove the road several times already. The view of the map shows the topography of The Route leads through a narrow corridor. There, it would be difficult to drive on the rope. So we decide us. But Michael says: “It is clear that there Would be no track, and I would not know the exit, we would have to now take the rope.”

When the weather is nice, well snowed glaciers, and safe spring snow to go the simple way, ski-Mountaineering, is not great art. Otherwise it is not, if the conditions are clear. Seen in this way, it is a great happiness, they were the weather forecast for the tour days in Chamonix in the French high Alps. Weather, terrain, people: The three factors that determine, according to the Textbook the tour, we were able again and again through play: on the eve, the day itself and always on-the-spot. It is the classic 3×3 method, you need to Assess the avalanche situation in the high winter. “The principle can be applied to make Decisions on the mountain”, says Michael. It is, nevertheless, not for him.

In the valley of rain would blanket the Snow drenched

But actually, Yes, on the way we Decide cases: Brigitte from Germany, for more than ten years on ski tours. You want to use again the abundant fallen snow of winter. Harald, since the birth of his now eight-year-old daughter on tours and his Knowledge would like to refresh. And as the third in the Federal reporter. For the present day, we have considered two variants for the departure from the rock arena of the Glacier d’argentière. A weather report had announced a 25 to 40 centimeters of new snow. So, we discarded soon the planned crossing over the Col du Passon with descent into the valley. We came in steep slopes, where no more snow, but the snow-rain had soaked the ceiling. The mountain guides had to keep in mind. Too dangerous. Instead, we opted for the climb in a flat valley up to the Col du Tour Noir. Even if with new snow and Wind the avalanche danger increases, would stay with a carefully landscaped track, this Route is feasible. In case of fog, you could let Rocky ridges and moraines. And, in the best case, we would be in this level to exit to a beautiful Powder.

practice, practice, practice: column rescue in the Coaching course.

A good decision. The day surprised us with a sun that makes the snow crystals sparkle. The mood in the hut is tense, some people have been surprised by the winter conditions. Our mountain guide stresses left. Alternately, we draw our lane in the fresh snow, always with Michael Walther on the side. Now, since the visibility is good, we have a look over the glacier. Over curls hanging beautiful. Even if the regular departure of our trail leads along, seems to be on the opposite side, a path through the glacier breaks is possible. “The planning of the departure always begins the ascent”, a sharpens us Walther. On the Pass, but a foul Wind blows us. From the South, the clouds spill over far into the Valley, the view is cloudy. “Security needs to be,” says Brigitte. We return back to the ascent route. On the wide main glacier in the fog swallowed us. A trail along the keys in the Talausfahrt. Until we are surprised by the Glaciers.

Gigantic ice ridges emerge from the mist,

Gently, we continue so, keep us at the rock wall that surrounds the glacier. Right hand, gigantic ice ridges, such as walruses out of the fog, close at each other, interspersed with deep Holes gape, soon, dirty black, soon in beautiful and bright glacier blue. “Too bad, the view is better”, calling Brigitte. Then a trail leads to the glacier. Again, we stop, check with the altimeter and map to our location. Behold: The fracture zone is already behind us. Also on the card is the first way leads us back to the flat Glacier ridge. The fog lifts a little. The nightmare is over.

of Course, in the four days we practice all that belongs to the training for ski Mountaineering and snowshoeing: the most important node, anchorages and column rescue, rope shortening, and use a rope, cross the Bergschrund and ascend to the top of the short rope to the Aiguille d’argentière, to the typical red luminous granite needles. The most Difficult part, however, the Decisions are: the factors conditions, terrain, and human. Thanks to stormy hair dryer, in snow and fog, we can practice extensively.

The trip was supported by the mount point.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 27.12.2018, 21:18 PM