to see there is not that Much, but that’s exactly it. Jack Black has a Youtube channel started: Jablinski Games. It to games to computers, cooking and other Lifestyle topics go, every Friday he would like to publish a new Video. Stated goal: More viewers than PewDiePie, the channel of the Swede Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg. With 80 million subscribers, well 3700 Videos, and of nearly 20 billion Call PewDiePie is the most successful producer on Youtube . Black, however, since the end of December with three Videos: The first two take together just 79 seconds, and are only announcements of the shaggy actor and slapstick musician, that it starts now really soon with his channel.

Last Friday, he posted the first Video. It takes a good three minutes and shows Black again, not while cooking, Painting or computer games, but in a game hall for pre-flood pinball and slot machines in Las Vegas, where he tried a hockey game in 1945, and a flipbook machine from 1921. Under Gaming, the Internet community is generally understood to be something else. It is not excluded, that it is Jablinksi Games to Satire. Although the channel still offers almost no content, he already has three million subscribers and 22 million views.

provoked What is more

clicked on The Videos of the most successful Youtubers are mostly flashy, Jumpy and kind of provocative. PewDiePie makes, for example, in one of his latest Videos about “accidental racism” is funny – he means something like the cars in the color of the “supreme white” and put into perspective its own critique: “it happens to the best of us.” About PewDiePie is said to have invented the “Aesthetic populism”. The Algorithms of Youtube to promote such upsets, the simple arguments. What provoked that is clicked more and generates more advertising revenue. What will be much looked will looked. PewDiePie is on a monthly basis earn slightly more than a Million dollars through advertising.

Jack black’s achievements are of course based on his prominence as an actor and singer of the Band Tenacious D. they do not show, however, that it matters in the logic of these platforms, to content, if someone achieved such as PewDiePie with the relativisation of racism almost six million viewers – and Jack Black needs to rotate only in the office chair, to reach nine million. Jack Black has switched to its channel, no advertising, but the statistics website of the “social edge” has calculated that he could now earn up to 1.7 million Euro in the year – with no appreciable content. If there is no bubble. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 09.01.2019, 10:15 a.m.