If you make a mistake, it klædeligt to admit it.

It did judge Michael Johansen, after he on Friday night annulled the goal, the AaB’s Tom van Weert put in on the penalty kick. He did this because AaB’s Rasmus Thellufsen ran into the field too early, but tv pictures clearly showed that he was not the first or only man who did it.

Johansen asked not to interview, but he talked after the fight with TV3 Sports, Joachim Boldsen, where he acknowledged his mistake.

– It, he says to me, is that he made a mistake. He judges that they run too early into the field, and when he sees the television images, he can of course see that it is an OB-the player who runs in first, says Joachim Boldsen.

You can watch the clip below:

Fortunately for AaB, it was annulled the goal is not to have meaning for them, since they ended up winning the game 2-1.

But there was still wonder about Michael johansen’s arrangements, which you can read about here.