DANIEL BRÜHL Berlin is miss Dieter, his charm, his wit, his impeccable English! What did Cannes for the French cinema and Venice for the Italian cinema, he did for the German Film, by he-won him a place in the Festival and therefore an international platform. Thank You, Dieter!

The actor Daniel Brühl, is a Festival regular, the last time he was here to see “7 days in Entebbe” (2018) and “Everyone dies for himself alone” (2016).

NINA HOSS: I am delighted every Time he is on the red carpet, with his scarf and hat, his Smile, his Swabian joke. I know now it goes. Above all, his enthusiasm is there. What Dieter Kosslick everything is integrated into this Festival, in a playful way, with Humor, and this slight Imperfection, as we know from his presentations! This Imperfection of the human dimension that makes its charm. And the Berlinale, so perfectly, how the Festival is organized otherwise. In doing so, he takes the themes, the movies, the people, seriously, each and every one feels to be perceived, regardless of the Status. This is important to him, that it is a Festival for the audience. And he leaves room for the Unexpected, for what does not comply with the rules, since it is pleasantly UN-German. As I was 2011 in of the Jury, for the travel and work ban on Iranian filmmaker Jafar Panahi as the ninth member of the Jury is always an empty chair at our meetings. The Berlinale under Dieter is both a meeting place to talk about movies and the world, and it is Entertainment, a place to Dive. Dieter Kosslick is for me the incarnation of this mix.

Nina Hoss is an ensemble member at the Berliner schaubühne. She won in 2007 for “Yella” the Silver bear, also took part with “elementary particles” and “Barbara” in the competition and sat in the 2011 Jury.

Dieter Kosslick with Nina Hoss in the 57. The Berlinale.Photo: picture-alliance/ dpa/Jörg Carstensen

IRIS BERBEN : I know Dieter Kosslick since the beginning of the 90s, when he was head of the NRW film Foundation in Düsseldorf. More frequently we met, as he sat on the Board of Directors of the FFA, the film promotion Institute, and I was there in the procurement Commission. I was the first actress ever. He had to listen to my rant, if a decision is not made sense. At that time, there was still plenty of suit – and-briefcase carrier that I could, in my somewhat lonely Position, as a Creative and change his mind. We found that we like each other, and began to discuss our careers with each other, he was a reliable Partner.

One day, I had just been President of the German film Academy selected was again the Berlinale. Then he stands there with his big arms, presses a, it is not an allure, not a Farce. Dieter receives with love and joy, at eye level, and he meant it. He congratulated me on the new office, and I said: Now we both carry a great burden. He, like shot from a gun: Yes, and with Dignity. The burden with Dignity, that’s our little word game, we try to fill with life.

The actress Iris Berben is the President of the German film Academy.

CHARLOTTE RAMPLING: Dieter Kosslick is a Surrealist. He has this magical property, to twist the reality, without losing them out of sight. So he can play with reality and has great power. Dieter is different than others, an Original. This is remarkable in a time in which each of the Standard wants to meet, unlike in the 60s or 70s when we all wanted to be original. And he is a loyal soul; whom he likes, he doesn’t forget. If he is in Paris, we always go to Le Dôme for a meal together.

The actress Charlotte Rampling was in 2006, Jury Chairman, she received 2015 silver for “45 Years”. This time, you will be awarded with the honorary Golden bear.

Dieter Kosslick takes Charlotte Rampling 2006 from Tegel airport.Photo: dpa / picture-alliance / Miguel Villagran

friend: With the former members of the band were 1971 again, a holiday trip, of Pforzheim, Germany, via Oslo, to the North Cape, Helsinki, Leningrad, Moscow, Warsaw and Berlin, and back to Pforzheim. During long nights lodges in the block, and tents and in a VW-Bus, announced Dieter “All the Power of Super 8” and began to shoot a Film about the already visible decline of socialism in the Soviet Union. He was the main actor, Director, he led, of course. After hours of filming in various locations we played the final sequence, the exile of Lenin to Siberia, and all together on the Red square. Through the use of the Moscow police Dieters Film ended abruptly, he remained incomplete. Perhaps this was the birth of the later Berlinale-heads.

Holger Steinle knows Dieter Kosslick from school, when they were both in a rock band played. Until his Retirement in 2013, the Foundation launched the aviation and aerospace Department in the Berlin Museum of technology.

Berlinale 2019: The Festival in numbers for more images 1 of 37Foto: REUTERS(Fabrizio bensch show today, 06:271 Director has directed the Festival. In 1951, at the beginning of the Berlinale film festival, the Alfred Bauer. Wolf Thunder (followed by a…Back for More

ALBA ROHRBACHER: premieres in the Berlinale Palast, the Team is always waiting in the Blue corridor to come behind the stage. At the screening of “Sworn Virgin” in 2015, I was very nervous. Dieter Kosslick began to chat in a gentle voice with me, among other things, honey. As the closing credits ran, he took me by the Hand and accompanied me to the stage. My fear was blown away! There were more of such moments of empathy and generosity. Again and again he managed my tension in the Blue corridor in the air resolve, he shared the fear, the joy and the Laughter with me.

The Italian actress Alba Rohrwacher was last seen in 2018 in the competition film”Figlia Mia”. In 2016, they sat in the Jury box. This year she plays in the Panorama Film “Hellhole” an interpreter in Brussels.

VOLKER SCHLÖNDORFF : your Directors have always as your special requests, said Dieter Kosslick, as he was talking me to the Italians invited to the festival participation of the “return to Montauk”. “What do you mean?” I asked. Now, whether I use the Film as a gala screening of wool or prefer to be in the competition or in the framework programme. A totally unusual show of confidence or a trap?, I asked myself. Scorsese wants to, only NOT IN COMPETITION, the Italians want to IN COMPETITION, other no matter where, but not necessarily on Saturday. So I prefer to be, if you decide to do it themselves, he added. Of course, in the competition, blurted out it is me in the Aries-style. Afterwards I regretted the decision, because in the year of the refugees was my private Heartbreak at the Berlinale out of place. Maybe he was anywhere in the wrong place, but Dieter Kosslick was at Potsdamer Platz, on the right.

More about

farewell interview with Dieter Kosslick “, Joschka Fischer, won me the Scoop”

Ulf Lippitz Christiane Peitz

Volker Schlöndorff is often with his films at the Berlinale to host, most recently with “The sea in the Morning”, “Diplomacy”, and in 2017, with “return to Montauk”.

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