The of Paramount Pictures produced animated film “Welcome to the wonder Park” in the German dubbing on celebrity support: While the German singer Lena Meyer-Landrut takes on the main role June, to synchronize the Swiss dialect singer, Lo & Leduc, the two beaver Gus and Cooper. Their rhythmic voices in the widest high-listen to English in the Film out and stand out clearly from the other speakers.
The speaking roles were for the two musicians uncharted territory. “It was definitely a challenge. We are both laymen. It is a big but-like opportunity for us and very educational,” concludes Luc Oggier, compared to Keystone-SDA balance.
Lo & Leduc had only three days in a Berlin dubbing Studio their roles. They were supported by a synchronization professional. “We had a little trouble with the Timing. Our recordings were only allowed to be as long as the English Original. With our Bernese German the took but mostly longer,” explains Lorenz Häberli the pitfalls of synchronous speech.
“Schleckzüügs” instead of “Treats”
in addition to the Talk, had to record the musicians, all sorts of noises, like the beaver rasps typical of Wood. The texts were provided by the production company. “We had to replace a few words, because it is said that in Switzerland, just different.” From “Treats” made the musicians, for example, “Schleckzüügs”.
“Welcome to Wonderland” is an imaginative girl who thinks of an amusement Park with lots of crazy tracks and attractions. One day, the girl even ends up in the Park and the fantasy becomes a reality. In the result, the girls are with their animal friends in all sorts of adventures. The Film comes out on may 11. April in the Swiss cinemas.
The strip was produced by Paramount Pictures in cooperation with Nickelodeon. The children’s channel will take this year, based on the Film of the TV series into the program. Lo & Leduc could be coming soon to other speaking roles.
Created: 07.04.2019, 11:23 PM