Last year, it was out of the 906 picture books in Sweden, which is so many that at least I will be very surprised. On the other hand, was it a total out 2.532 children and young adults, so bilderböckerna account for almost 36% of the release.

There are very many children and young adults, but bilderböckerna dominate the genre. As a comparison, it came out 289 young adult books, 412 non-fiction books, 378 chapter-books and 416 mellanåldersböcker. Bilderboksgenren is by far the greatest.

, who presented the figures, each and every book given out, so one can suspect that it comes out a lot of books that are not so fun. There are massmarknadsböcker for children just as for adults, and they can be just as woefully bad. I myself have a (enhörnings)horn in the side to all the cute pink books with glitter on, for example.

But when I spreads out a stack of picture books on my desk, it is on the contrary unusually many people who are talented, artistic, intelligent, poetic. And surprisingly, many picture books manage to be educational without sacrificing the artistic.

When the adult world to get lost in infected debates on the politics of identity and representativeness of the data, then, many successful picture books to paint in the new world, but without reducing any of the old. The most important thing is still the individuals and the feelings, in a bilderboksvärld where a lynx can live together with a bear and get a frozen lemur on the visit (as in Ulrika Kesteres ”As a woolly sweater”).

more optimistic about the world, then you should read picture books. But choose carefully, both for yourself and for the children! Some books are just annoyed by, because pekpinnarna is cats and dogs. Or that the authors thought that it is just a matter of writing so banal as possible, and drawing cute animals, so it will be a good children’s book.

Other books dismiss you too quickly. But it is not textomfånget that determines how quickly it is possible to read a picture book, it is rather the complexity of the text and the picture. You should allow yourself to enjoy the images.


Image 1 of 2 All read the newspapers, even fish and birds, in taiwanese Liu Hsu-the King of the book ”Are you my brother?” the Slide 2 of 2 Slideshow

Translation Anna Gustafsson Chen, Nature & Culture

the Longing for love and closeness become surprisingly warm and funny in the hands of taiwanese Liu Hsu-Kung.

A lone orange horse trudging around in a city and looking for his brother, who has been gone for several years. He has a photo, a photo that has once been shown both him and his brother. But the photo is stripped in the middle, it is only he himself remained, and he doesn’t know how his brother looks. Maybe the orange, as he himself? Perhaps fast, that he himself? He’s looking and looking, compare the torn page in his photo with others ‘ photos, and ask those who at least possess any of his attributes. The reader sees, of course, the absurd disparities (however, a horse may well not be a brother with a house!), and also wherein the likeness consists (color sued in all cases).

No brother to be found. To the end happens to the orange horse hit a kaffefärgad horse as he has a lot of fun with. What a pity that they are brothers!

a story of similarities and differences, and what you really are looking for. He knows the right, the orange horse, he would be able to fill in an exact form on a dating site. Fixed do you really want to meet his reflection in the mirror?

Taiwanesiske Liu Hsu-Kung makes a simple, warm and unexpectedly funny story of our longing for closeness and community. All of the ”Are you my brother?” walking around with half of the photographs, a modern interpretation of Aristophanes halvklotsteori which Plato wrote about in ”the Feast”: to the people once put together two and two, until Zeus split them in two. Then its looking man after his second half of the year, as well as the poor orange horse makes. Loneliness occurs when the cut surfaces make themselves known.

Liu Hsu-Kung, working in a naive chalky technology with shifting perspective and easily skewed proportions that create depth. He has also spralligare elements when the horse comes in he’ll put an ad in the newspaper. On the spread reads all the newspapers, including small children, rabbits, birds and fish.

Translation Rose-Marie Nielsen, Modernista, from 3 years

Praktverk with the same idea as Kerstin Ekman’s ”See the flower”: we need to be able to species in the wild to see them. Animals and plants are presented, each with its elegantly translated verse, and breathtakingly beautiful images, detailed and realistic, with the soft tints of the akvarellfärgerna.

Translation Elin Svahn, Opal, from 3 years

Canadian Isabelle Arsenault is working here with thin, almost old-fashioned blyertsstreckfigurer approaching the comics. The story is black and white, with yellow and blue as the striking spot colors. Colette is new to the district and meets the other children by saying that she is looking for her budgie. But what will they say when the golden eagle is not listed?


the Protagonist in ”Fastrarna” find a dull, nerklottrad old book at home with mom’s new guy’s old mother: Elsa Beskow’s ”Tant Grön, Tant Brun and Tant Gredelin”. Sigh. When will the modern-day equivalent, the three sisters to the mother’s new guy. Ebba Forslind working with warm colors, soft lines and a precise tonträff in both text and image.


Funny about the rovdjurets dreams about eating large animals, with lush, opulent images where it never gets too scary, for the animals are only in the dream. Except for one. The images are overwhelming and the colors are clear: the Snake is big and tired after eating, and around the Snake slithers djungelväxterna. Finally, the reader may see where the Snake lives.

Lilla Piratförlaget

About ”to sweep things under the carpet”, though literally. The parents sweep the monster and debris during vardagsrumsmattan, which with time becomes an impossible, undulating quilt. To end, release the child out of all things, and the illustrator Per Gustavsson excel in monster that creeps, crawls, flies and jumps.


Everyone in the family is sad when Pavlos parents should differ, but it is the way it is. Pavlo has plenty of friends with divorced parents and it looks different in all families. Wise text and soft, symboltäta pictures that allows children’s community become security. Sometimes a little too comforting and easy.

Lilla Piratförlaget

Danish Lilian Brøgger illustrates this Swedish Inger Lindahl in an exceptionally successful collaboration on a girl who lives in a red house in rural areas, playing alone and with the cat Skrället. That disappears! Lilian Brøgger will build a magical world of images with the motion in each picture, sometimes like a cartoon.


the Lynx Lisa and the little bear Nils who lives far up in the north, and receives the visit of the lemur Otto. He has (very climate friendly) cycled all the way there to paint the northern lights, but paint terrible jittery because he freezes as he shakes. Thus, the knit Lisa and Nils a shirt. The low-key story with beautiful images of the landscapes and the northern lights.

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