“Malmö will receive the money – country will be without the”
“Debater: The local government equalisation system must be made on the basis of”
“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”
“the DEBATE. In a new report from the Stockholm Chamber of commerce reveals that 40 per cent of the population outside of Stockholm, think of the rivalry between Stockholm and the rest of the country has increased. “
“Only 30 per cent of the residents in rural areas makes the assessment that their children will have it better than themselves.”
“What tools do we have to stop this disturbing trend? The municipal equalisation system could be the one. The idea with the municipal equalisation system is to distribute the money to municipalities and county councils to create the conditions for equivalent service despite conditions that are difficult for municipalities to influence. “
“It is sometimes described as a regional policy measure in which the money is allocated from the prosperous conurbations to sparsely populated rural communities with declining or aging population.”
“It is close at hand to point to municipalities Åsele, Sorsele and Dorotea, and to stress that the system exists for their sake. The municipalities are after all the highest compensation per capita.”
“But many invånarrika municipalities is contrary to what you may think of the recipients and not donors in the system. Two of Sweden’s three largest municipalities, for example, the two biggest beneficiaries, while the ten municipalities which receive the most balancing grant per capita only got about 1.9 percent of the total grant paid out in the year 2017.”
“The ten municipalities that are considered to have the worst conditions may, therefore, share less than two percent of the money.”
“The large flow of money is simply not from the big cities to glesbygdskommuner. Among the 21 largest recipients of municipal balancing grant is not a single glesbygdskommun. These mottagarkommuner is by Swedish standards a relatively large and may, overall, over a third of all the money.”
“Let us take the largest recipient of utjämningsmedel, Malmö, as an example. According to the central Statistical Office took Malmö 2017, against 4.9 billion in municipal balancing grant and year 2018 are written the figure to just over sek 5.1 billion.”
“In the city of Malmö’s budget for 2017, the total costs to sek 17.6 billion and the municipal equalisation system for the same period covering about 28 per cent of the municipality’s costs.”
“More than one out of four crowns of the municipal expenses paid by someone who does not live in Malmö.”
“It is easy to understand that glesbygdskommuner in northern Sweden’s inland think it sticks in the craw when the same municipality – in spite of a bleeding economy, investing in concert halls and arenas in the billions. “
“Unfortunately, it goes out over the most resource-poor municipalities, while frustration is growing in many parts of the sparsely populated parts of Sweden. It is easy to conclude that if the system of municipal equalization is supposed to be an effective tool in equalizing the differences between city and country, so it does not work in the day. “
“the System needs to be reformed fundamentally.”
“nFredrik Torehammar, the Stockholm Chamber of commerce”
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