“Man arrested for attempted murder in Malmö”

“A man at the age of 25 have been arrested, suspected of attempted murder, after a man in Malmö, been knifed.”

“the Police and ambulance was alerted at halvtretiden in the night to a residence where a man with cut injuries was found.”

” the Alarm is that it should have been a slicing indoors and there are indoor as anträffar gärningspersonen and the affected. How the course of events have been like prior to this will get the investigation show, ” says Catherine Rusin, press officer at the police control center for the southern region.”

“She can’t speak if more people were in the dwelling, or on who alerted the police.”

“The injured man was taken to the hospital by ambulance.”

“– He has been cutting. How serious they are, may I leave to the healthcare industry to comment on, ” says Catherine Rusin.”

“the Skåne Region has to date not gone out with some information about skadeläget.”