In a medical exception to this case is the death of a man in Bremen, after Cuddling with his dog to an infection. The 63-year-old patient, the bacterium Capnocytophaga canimorsus has been demonstrated, which is found in dog saliva, reports the Doctors from the Red cross hospital RKK in the Hanseatic city.

The man came in August 2018, with signs of a serious blood poisoning to the hospital. He died despite treatment with antibiotics, about two weeks later of multiple organ failure, write to the Doctors in the “European Journal of Case Reports in Internal Medicine”. The man had been licked by his dog, but not bitten.

The risk of infection in animal bite is known. The infection could also be done by Licking, when the pathogen penetrates into small defects of the skin, reported to the RCC. When it come to a severe course, played most of risk factors such as a weakened immune system, alcohol, disease or removal of the Spleen has a role, said Martin Langenbeck, chief doctor of the emergency room at the RCC. The Bremer Patient belonged to none of these at-risk groups.

The RCC emphasizes how rare this special case. Worldwide another Patient with a severe course of the disease is, as yet, had only known who was bitten, nor a weakened immune system. The hospital did not want to establish rules, therefore, no behavior that you could make out better with his Pets or lick the leaves. “When you get symptoms that are very strange, and you have a pet, then you should tell the doctor,” said a spokeswoman on Thursday, the news Agency dpa. (sda/red)

Created: 28.11.2019, 14:44 PM