Theresa May had already as a child a dream of becoming Britain’s first female prime minister, but had to see themselves beaten by the iron lady, Margaret Thatcher, when she moved into Downing Street number 10 in 1979.

today, like people to compare the two women, the conservative government, but according to Marlene Wind, professor at the Department of Political science, missing the May its predecessor’s ideological profits and sharpness, even though the two have similar qualities.

Theresa Mays childhood friends remember her as a tall, fashionable girl who very early in his life spoke of his ambition to become the first female prime minister in the Uk. How to write the BBC, among others, in a portrait from 2016, there was, after the May joined as head of the government.

The honor went, in contrast to Margaret Thatcher, who, like Theresa May, has studied at the university of Oxford.

In Mays time at the prestigious university became her study and love life jumbled together, as she is on her third year in 1976 and met her husband, Philip May, with whom she has been married since 1980.

A fellow student from her time at the university, Pat Frankland, said in 2011 to a radio program on the BBC, that ‘he could not remember a time when she [Theresa May] has not had political ambitions.’

‘I remember clearly that she would like to be the first female prime minister, and she became quite annoyed, since Margaret Thatcher came first’, he says.

The 62-year-old Theresa May was born in Eastbourne, Sussex, as an only child of Zaidee Mary and Hubert Brasier, who was a priest in the church of england.

Both of May’s parents died when she was just 25 years old, while she worked at the Uk’s central Bank, the Bank of England. Her father lost first life in a car accident and less than a year later, her mother died, who suffered from multiple sclerosis.

In 1997, Theresa May opted into the british parliament, which she later stated she was upset that her parents never got to experience.

Only a year later, she was appointed as shadow secretary of state, and in 2010 she became interior minister in the country’s first conservative government in 10 years. The post possessed she until 13. July 2016, where she replaced David Cameroon as both the leader of The Conservative Party and as prime minister.

Theresa May and her husband, Philip May, during a feriebesøg to Desenzano del Garda in Italy 29. July. Photo: Pier Marco Tacca/Pool via AP

May has since 1980 been married with investeringsbankmanden Philip May, who currently is employed by Capital International.

the Couple have no children, which May at the earlier occasion, has expressed annoyance over. The pair keeps on the other hand, to wander, and they regularly use their vacation in the swiss alps.

May is also a fan of cricket, and she is very happy to cook. She has stated that she owns more than 100 cookbooks.

May is a member of the English church, which she regularly visits on Sundays. As the priest’s daughter has May stated that her christian faith is a part of me. It is a part of who I am, and how accessing things.’


Expert call May a pragmatic overlevertype

on Wednesday night, it managed Theresa May to muddle through a tillidsafstemning in her conservative parliamentary group, ensuring her to remain a conservative party leader and prime minister the next 12 months.

200 conservative politicians backed May in the vote of confidence, while 117 voted against her. A bittersweet result, according to professor and director of the Centre for European politics at the Department of Political science, Marlene Wind, don’t improve the Mays situation significantly.

– In relation to to get a deal through, I don’t think it has changed that much. Rather, it has been clarified, which divided the conservative party is, and that one-third of the her own members would rather see her go by. So it is a very double-edged victory, as she is not going to be able to use to much, she says.

Theresa May made a statement to the media in front of her ministerbolig, after she Wednesday performed through a tillidsafstemning in the conservative parliamentary group. Photo: Tim Ireland/AP

But who is this woman, Theresa May, who has been the protagonist in one of the worst political challenges in the EU’s history?

– She is a overlevertype, which does not bother too many. She is a craftsman, more than she is an ideologue, so she can better unify the party than some of the others in the party yderfløj, and that is why she now survives, assess Marlene Wind, who call the british prime minister, ’the best choice of several evils.’

– I think, you think, that all the others would be worse than what she represents. For she does not represent a high-profile skillful negotiator or a charismatic politician. She is it, there can be used here and now in the very, very difficult situation the british are in, she says.

But Theresa May is far from without its flaws, and according to Marlene Wind, she is often called a robot, because she ‘keeps saying the same thing, she has said a thousand times.’

– She has a tendency to put communication on autopilot, so you hear the same phrases again and again. Therefore, it is difficult to find out if she really listens to both his party colleagues and interlocutors in the EU, and it creates frustration in the british parliament.

Theresa May speak for his case in the house of Commons on Wednesday before the vote of confidence, which while 117 of her fellow party members voted against her. Photo: Mark Duffy/AP

Mays, at times robot-like appearance often get people to compare her with another female conservative party leader and prime minister, Margaret ‘iron lady’ Thatcher, who stood at the head of the british government in the’80s.

– You have to take my hat off to, that May have been all through here. Only that she has the physique to be able to get out of bed every morning, travel around constantly and yell and scream in the parliament, where she is being interrupted every other moment, is indeed impressive. Similar qualities had Thatcher also explains Marlene Wind.

But here stops the comparison between the two female conservative politicians also believe Marlene Wind.

– She has not Thatcher’s ideological profits and sharpness. Is she too much a pragmatist, as most expect will be a overgangsfigur. So I actually don’t think there is a real comparison between the two.

Thursday raised May then take back to Brussels to ask for ‘legal and political assurances’ about the so-called backstop, there is the arrangement, to make, to avoid a hard boundary between the british northern Ireland and the european UNION-the country of Ireland.

at the same time, it is one of the points in the brexitaftalen, that has created most debate.

Brexit-the vote on the agreement between the Uk government and the EU negotiators should have taken place on Tuesday of this week in the british parliament, but May defer the vote to 21. January.

Policy – 13. dec. 2018 – at. 00:12 After conservation: May is still hard-pressed

Policy – 12. dec. 2018 – at. 18:36 May survive wild fate-vote

Policy – 12. dec. 2018 – at. 08:52 Theresa May meets mistillidsafstemning among party members