Senegal has a proud history to defend, with Sembène mr ousmane in the tip. The ties to France have always been strong.
here, in the story of the unexpected friendship between trettonårige Yao and the to France long ago migrated actor and author Seydou Tall. In Omar Sys imposing figure will Tall on the highlighted guest appearances, to the capital of the Dakar in their country of birth. Among all who want to bask in the selfie-the brightness of the berömdheten is also Yao, but with a completely different case. He just wants to Tall to sign his memoirs, which he learned by heart and just saved from a hungry goat in the small northern hometown of Cinnamon.
Yao – with ease and matter of course played by a young Lionel Louis Basse – raises the emigrated Talls feelings of rootlessness to life. He has never wanted to return to Senegal. The reluctant Tall be induced gradually by the praktiske, artige and the innkeeper; the well read Yao to drive him home to Cinnamon.
Lionel Louis Basse and Omar Sy in ”Yao”. Photo: Njutafilms
along the dusty, hot roads in a barren landscape full of unexpected meetings. During the course of the set Yao a series of perceptive questions and teaches you what to do and not do, not least, Tall to know that you never should say no if someone invites you to a meal.
On the way, we get to know much about the Pine itself, but also a part of Senegal and the speckled språkkarta, the contradictions between city and country, between old folklore and the muslim offensive.
It becomes at times well tillrättalagt and vykortsmässigt, as sweet as Yao’s favorite drink ananasläsk. But also, once again, thanks to Yao’s little oförvägna figure, a nice story about the ubiquity of the context, and the context.
See more about baby on the way: ”Paper moon” (1973), ”With Alice on the neck” (1974) and ”Barntjuven” (1992).
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