The mass production of cheap furniture and the awareness of the need for a high standard of furnishings disappear. The special exhibition “Inside Out – insights of the furniture art” in the Museum of decorative arts at the Kulturforum want to give furniture that is why a wide audience access to high quality wood, the highest form of art, the veneer technique, Achim Stiegel. This technique is the curator of the Berlin collection of furniture from the 14. up to the 16. February, a meeting. In the exhibition, the technical and artistic development of the parchment-thin wood panels to life.

In the centre of a neo-classical writing Desk by the cabinetmaker Joseph Schneevogl from the year 1835. He marked the historic Zenith of the veneer art. The loan of the Foundation of Prussian palaces and gardens in the place as a Whole, presents dismantled in single parts. Its complex architecture is bursting with curved shapes and refined drawers and secret compartments. On the basis of its construction Schneevogl was able to show in his shop near the Berlin castle, the wide range of function and design possibilities of its clientele. Including: king Friedrich Wilhelm III, the output for a Schneevogl-Secretary three times as much as for C. D. Friedrich’s most famous pair of images.

That the read-only furniture remained in the personal possession of the master carpenter, show glasses, a Barber for a receipt, as well as two reading, the Schneevogl must in vain have sought, they were found in the soil of the piece of furniture.

industrial vs. craft

in the spirit of the original idea of the arts and crafts Museum as a place of learning in the context of the exhibition a number of collaborations with craft training facilities. The degree of restoration of the Potsdam University of applied Sciences presents the individual working steps, which are necessary for the reconstruction of a complex base part of the Schneevogl-Secretary-needed. Just as vividly, the visitor is offered veneers the industrial manufacture of 3D. With this technology, the company Danzer also younger design classics were in the wood again.

The design Duo, Charles and Ray Eames had not succeeded in time life, which is now on view in the exhibition: a replica of your fibre glass chair in veneered plywood. In competition to the neighboring industrial products, the students of the Berchtesgaden Schreiner school of built storage objects – to impress a nod to Schneevogls Bavarian homeland? Instead of his compulsory military service during the Napoleonic wars, comply with, fled Schneevogl to Schinkel’s preferred Berlin Hoftischlerei of Christian Sewening. According to his teaching, and the marriage with Sewenings daughter, he continued the workshop.

mahogany as a colonial product

Particularly impressive is the seven-metre-high mahogany plank, on loan from the Botanical Museum in Dahlem, which forms the prelude to the exhibition. It gives us a feeling of how powerful the up to seventy-Meter-high giant trees in the American tropics under the most onerous of conditions like and, finally, to Europe have been shipped.

A prologue to the breakdown of the colonial history of the coveted exotics and spans the arch to the heart of the exhibition, the mahogany veneered Secretary Joseph Schneevogls, whose pyramid seduced-shaped, wavy grain in a brown-reddish tone. Wood from the brittle and unruly primitive state up to the polished Plating of the same.

arts and crafts Museum, cultural forum, to 24. 2.; Tue-Fr 10 – 18 Uhr, Sa/So 11 – 18 Uhr.

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