The attack of Sascha I had taken care of a year ago across the country for big headlines. Accused the young man of multiple attempted murder, attempted arson, multiple, in part, attempted simple assault and other offenses. The youth advocacy calls for a sentence of imprisonment of three years and a 500-franc fine. In addition, the Accused is to be housed in a closed facility, and demanded the youth’s attorney.

As is usual for negotiations to juvenile courts is also excluded in the current case, the Public. The accredited media are admitted to a part of the negotiation.

violence and killing fantasies

According to the indictment, the youth was noticed months before his rampage with bizarre violence and killing fantasies. The authorities have been contacted and a psychiatric assessment is agreed. Before this date it came to the rampage of the then-17-Year-old.

On the evening of the 22. October 2017, he grabbed according to the indictment, at home, his ID and cash in a backpack, a carpet knife and a scissors lever came. In the basement he got a small hatchet. Then he put fire in the house where he lived with his mother and stepfather, and walked in the direction of the centre of the village of Flums.

Seven people

injured There, a couple comes walking up straight, the man was pushing the eight-month-old son in the children. The Accused attacked him immediately with the resolution, so that the man is badly hurt and fell to the ground unconscious. Then the gunman went to the woman and seriously injured. The Baby remained unharmed.

A random in the car this coming Passer-by intervened and was also injured. Then the youth went to his wife in the car, hurt her, pushed her out of the car and drove away. He crashed into a garden fence and continued on his rampage to the foot. At a gas station he attacked three women – including a pregnant – until the police stopped him and arrested.

The Accused was brought up in Latvia, moved in 2013, but his mother and stepfather in Switzerland. Since the summer of 2016, he completed an apprenticeship. After his rampage, he sat for a few months in pretrial detention. Later, he was admitted to a closed psychiatric clinic, where he is since then.

The accused explained in court

Before the court of Sacha I. explains his action (20 minutes reported live). “I was in an affect condition, could not control my thoughts,” said I. He had acted without a Plan. “This condition came on very suddenly.” If there was a trigger for it, asks the judge. There was probably, he did not want to comment. What was the reason for the suicide attempt? “I felt Shit, like a piece of,” says the now 18-Year-old. “I still remember When I set fire to the house, was everything to me no matter. I saw the point of no Return.”

All of the people were random victims. What is the action had been goal at the Agrola gas station, asks the judge. “I got a car”, his reply. At the gas station he had asked the police to shot him shoot. “My Problem was: I was not strong in the head, I was able to with my problems to anyone and you can’t tell anyone”. He wanted to take the thoughts to the grave. Even after the suicide attempt at home, he wanted to die.

“I regret what I’ve done,” says I. before the court. It was all so crazy on the night she was killed. Today he thinks about it: “Oh Shit.” To him not that something like this could happen again. He has become clever and wise. Today, he would not lose control, because he was sure of it.

“The Accused wanted to kill people”

In his remarks, the youth Prosecutor says: at First Sasha didn’t want to I. kill, other people. “The Accused wanted to kill people. His mother should burn”. Who act in such a way as Sascha I., wanted the death of people. That the Accused could not remember exactly, that he wanted to now stand in a better light.

The attorney of a Private Prosecutor explained: It is a matter of claims for damages in the amount of 77’550 Swiss francs and an appreciation, the amount of which would be in the discretion of the court. His client was still alive, but today he was in psychological treatment. He was severely traumatized, he still suffer physically and psychologically under attack by Sascha I. Until today, he was unable to work. From Flums, he had to move away with his family, and not just because of the fact. He was also afraid to meet again on Sascha.

Also, the marriage of his mandates suffer a lot. One could think that a sorrow shared was a sorrow halved, since both of them were attacked. But they could not comfort each other each would have to fight with the consequences. A lawyer of the Victims says: “The healing process of my clients is not completed until today.” They also demanded damage claims. Every day a victim would suffer the consequences of the act. Participation in the negotiation was for a client is unthinkable. With controlled settlement, their client had been attacked by shock. She tried not to Dodge, what managed to you. “He has hit, I had no Chance,” said their client to the attack. At the same time she heard her Baby cry. The stroller had fallen in the attack. Only through the Intervention of passers-by, the family had survived.

“Random fact”

The defender says that according to the psychological report, his mandate at the time of the crime point a collapse. You could therefore no intention to kill. The procedures recognise his mandate. Was wrong but that there should be more counts of attempted murder. His client had been controlled due to a mental illness. His psychosis is the reason for the action. According to a psychiatric report was unclear to what extent he ever want to kill people. “He tried to kill his victims – and he wanted the defender not”, so be it.

A Tatplan had not made his client. He would not have been able to do. “He was acting without the insight and control, so haphazard.” His client had not been at the time of the offence culpable. The asserted civil claims are to be dismissed or to refer it for civil proceedings. Due to his illness his client could show no emotions. Probably he could call me and apologize for it, he said, quoting from a psychiatric report. His clients and the parents of the incident, sorry.


Created: 19.12.2018, 11:49 PM