
– I have for years tried to get a little track of everything that goes on in the gravel pit, which is situated here at Hedehusene.

But the owners are – as I see it – very skilled to dodge all criticism, and it seems like they can get all sorts of waivers in the region and municipality.

– In February – where there was a consultation at the hotel Scandic in Roskilde on the new gravel pit-stage – I tried f.ex belonging to the 4-winged farm, which lay on the Løkkegårdsvej in Roskilde.

– It disappeared over a weekend … away as in the pist away.!

so begins the Ropes R a letter sorting waste and houses that will disappear. the
Ropes have a neighbor who drives a grusgravforretning, and in the course of the past year, she has noticed that several houses have disappeared from the area.

She has tried to get gruscheferne to answer, but it is not managed, and now, she asks the nation! about to pull the fat in the municipality and the company. The company reply you can see below. Tove’s letter continues namely as follows:

– I have had enough, also in view of the fact that we ordinary citizens can’t even throw kitchen waste out, to sort it.

– And then you go and wonder whether they dump a whole house with content.

– I know that by the demolition shall be issued, be a demolition permit from the municipality.

– That need to be made samples of paint, wood, etc. it must be done via ex. Niras or another demolition company and the house must be stribbet then emptied and sorted into what waste it is.

– You don’t just dump a house such is contrary to all environmental requirements.

– See here map, which shows where there are missing houses:

House no.1 lay on the Eastward Hedevej 4000 Roskilde. It was a 4 længet farm with augmentations.

– House no. 2. Lykkegård was a 4 længet farm with augmentations was over a very short period of time there away . it was just before christmas.

House no.3 is very close to the house no. 4, which right now is on an island(see picture above).

House no.5 waiting for enough of the same fate, writes the Ropes and Nymølle Stenindustrier can actually well understand, that someone wondering:

– We have acquired a number of properties in connection with our work in Hedehusene gravel pit.

– There is talk about the properties that we have owned for many years, and as we have been compelled to remove to be able to get access to the raw materials, that are hiding in the ground under the houses.

– the raw materials needed to build roads, bridges and hospitals in Denmark. Of course, we have got all necessary permissions and followed the applicable rules in this area both prior to and during demolition.

– We can well understand that it may seem mysterious that we sometimes dig without some of the houses we own, and seen from a community perspective, it makes not much sense.

– But this is because we are awaiting approval from the authorities to tear the houses down, and it can take a very long time.

– Therefore, it happens once in a while, that we must dig around the houses, as we are still awaiting approval.

– This actually means that we are going to leave good resources in our subsoil, although it is not the best use of our scarce raw material resources in Denmark.

– We have some of the best gravel in the soil under the Hedehusene gravel pit, and that is why our plan is also to demolish the house no.5 on tove’s card down, so we can dig the gravel up to the building projects on Zealand.

– But we are still awaiting, we get an approval by the authorities, so we can not at present say anything about when or if it happens.

– We have an intention to construction of new houses on part of the reasons, when the gravel is dug and the reasons are post-processed, writes Ole Nørklit, adm. director at Nymølle Stenindustrier A/S, who also has sent these facts and a photo of a post-processed quarry with:

1. Hedehusene gravel pit has been in existence for over 100 years, and the raw materials from being used among other things to buildings in Copenhagen and the rest of Sealand, among other things, roads, bridges, hospitals, residential properties and commercial buildings.

2. Hedehusene gravel pit employing well over 100 people, incl. råstofgeologer, maskinførere and trucking companies that pick up gravel and bring it out to the construction sites.

3. Nymølle has pt. 16 active gravel pits around the country, and indvinder ca. 5 million. m3 of raw materials per year – that is approx. 18 percent of the total annual abstraction in Denmark.

4. Nymølle is a member of the Danish Regions ‘ code of conduct for good-neighbourly relations. https://www.godtnaboskab.dk/

5. When Nymølle is finished with gravearbejdet, there will be a finishing of the areas, which can pave the way for a rich animal and plant life can move in and that it can become a recreational area for the benefit of the citizens in the area.

The image here from the Moorland is a good example of it, writing Nymølle Stenindustrier but what are you thinking?