‘Paradise Hotel’ tend to develop strong friendships and this year is no exception.

It told the jonas’s Jensen, when he, along with Sarah Tiedt visited Ekstra tv studio.

Here revealed the jonas’s, in fact, that he and Singer Skoubo, who also is a participant in the program, is moved along in Copenhagen.

– We tinkled just fine together in the ‘Paradise Hotel’, but it is certainly the Singer, I have hung out with, after we got home. Also before we moved together. There we were by and visit each other every day, when we had the time, so gave it very good sense to move in together, says jonas’s in the video, as you can see above the article.

in Addition to the jonas’s, and Singer count bofællesskabet also two friends.

– We got an apartment and living in the me, Singer and two of our comrades. It goes piss in the well. We are having insanely much, it is a bit like being at school. You always have someone to be with, eat with, get up and go to bed with. We have each our room and a common room, it’s damn fat, says jonas’s.

The 15. season of ‘Paradise Hotel’ is set to premiere on Tuesday.