one Hundred billion dollars! The size of the stock market value of an international video library, which also writes 22 years after the founding of the red. And Netflix is still nothing against Apple! The Tech-giant from Cupertino operates highly profitable, and since August the stock market a trillion dollars in value. Compared with the gross domestic product of a Nation’s Apple would have been ranked with 123 000 employees, just behind Indonesia number 16 of the strongest economic countries.

This should also have the competitor of Amazon, to Sky in the head, if you are planning the new year. For Apple, you may interpret this as a threat, wants to get in 2019 into the booming streaming business. Parallel to this, the media Multi Warner is pushing for a market that is exploding in 2018 by 30 percent to 31 billion euros in sales. And because the world’s most valuable Entertainer, Disney, to its enormous Film archive will in future also be available online, not even the speech was.

This, however, should concerns not only the Internet industry. Also, the old TV is looking forward to the new services. Finally, make him especially in this country light a fire under the wing chair. Amazon Prime Video, for example, the popular children’s film series “Bibi & Tina-adapted” just as the series-Event and future shipping binds customers in the California consumer octopus. Benno Fürmann shows, meanwhile, as a Hero of the European set Thriller “Hanna”, while the British but reminds of a joke from “Good Omens” six parts long, quite lovely, “Dirk Gentley’s Holistic detective Agency”, with the help of Netflix for 2016 makes a splash.

Five German shows on Netflix

There plans to, three years later, the same five English-speaking series: “moved by The barbarians” is a Roman-Germanic “Game of Thrones”, the “Tribes of Europe” to post-apocalyptic Tomorrow. The milieu studies “Skylines” or “Don’t try this at home” poaching with Gangstarap and gangster chic in the consumption of a joyful audience of the “4 Blocks” to “Narcos”. And then the rookie mixing it up with a Christmas series, the family of cuddly corner of the TV space deer. What are the do about it? Exactly: as in the past.

Fight to the brewery heritage: Gisela Hofstetter (Gisela Schneeberger, v. l. n. r.), Vicky Dawson (Lisa Maria Potthoff), Dan Dawson…photo: ZDF and Jacqueline Krause-Burberg

The First is about shifting the rate of success of the “Charité” on 19. February in the national socialism. Prior to the “daily show” debut Watzmann-investigators, following Ireland thrillers and Tom Schilling embodies the “Brecht”, the fall of the Berlin wall Drama “the turning time”. 30. Anniversary sets, the Second with the two-parter “Walpurgis night” on a two-state time history. There’s a sob story for the 100. Bauhaus-birthday and the brewery story “beer Royal”. Safe: with Monday movies and Wednesday dramas, Infotainment and news competence-set the ARD and the ZDF office Arte and Neo further, the standards of reputable full program delivery.

the New series, however, other turn. Now you have to because of “The COP & the beast”, an exhumation of the “kommissar Rex” of Sat 1, as well as the film juries alert as in the case of RTL-series with a plumber and night sisters, or a TNT-Mockumentary about helicopter parents in March. After all, it try the Private, but with materials beyond the medico-criminology-legal mainstream.

the world in Tandem

world applicability, however, is apparently only in Tandem with video portals conceivable. Amazon continues to work on the Germany-Saga of RTL, Netflix provides cheerful Pro7Sat1-series online. And as “Babylon Berlin”, a similar success in the First was like the end of 2017 in the case of Sky, it will continue the project with the top stars in Topkulissen that you could afford individually. It is only through such collaborations, it is from the point of view of the Sky-Vice-Elke Walt helmet, “to produce Content that can compete in an international comparison, absolutely”. In the increasing competition, there is a train to each other. The more channels make digital once analogue competition on your core area of competition: the outstanding fiction with a criminal core.

In June 2019, the final season of the HBO series “Game of Thrones” begins, in Germany, Sky will begin broadcasting the spectacle.Photo: picture alliance / HBO/Sky/dpa

25. January hunt, Nicholas Ofczarek and Julia Jentsch, therefore, in the style of “The bridge” a serial killer on the Sky through the Austro-German border area. And in March, Mark Waschke and Christiane Paul in “8 days” by a präapokalyptische civilization in front of the meteorite impact. Everything is high quality, exciting, often courageous as the control program. So a lot of money but then ends through a co – production deal, about $ 250 million with HBO, whose best-selling “Game of Thrones” in the June Sky.

If Netflix films of Martin Scorsese is at the same time, nine-digit sums of money in Mafia, if Warner makes his feature film archive into a network, even YouTube content is produced – then the question is: Who should the watch is actually everything to Finance it, how exactly again? Even series junkies have only 24 hours to Binge-Watching. The offer of hundreds of portals and the transmitter exceeds the demand already now. It’s like in football: Because game fees soar, the audience swelled TV sports fattened up the love troubles differs. So fascinating, the new TV is so: it must soon economies of time to be profitable. Unlike the sports portal DAZN streaming services are committed to not only a billionaire, but to shareholders. Not to mention the creditors gigantic loans, which receives particularly Netflix.

opportunities in the niche

Currently, however, the Chance of the old TV is probably. Tiny things such as radio or Neo show with funny low-Budget fiction, how much a little can reach. In the case of the pseudo-giant, in contrast, the ZDF Frank Schätzings makes “swarm” and RTL, a Remake of “M – eine Stadt sucht einen mörder”, Jörg tile man to return to the First back and ProSieben, with a Dating show on the dome market. At most, Arte dares with a German-French fiction (“Eden”) a refugee misery at Europe’s beaches, occasionally, the cover is pleasing to the conversation. But where exactly, please, are again on the remote control?

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On the Set of a refugee series East of Eden

Kurt Sagatz

Also due to its structural position at the edge of the culture channel, therefore, strengthens as no one else is in the linear Segment of its library and positioned, therefore, already have been made between the real online community. What knock sometimes for individual high-gloss formats, so Arte financed with the trouble of a station quarter. And the new, billion-dollar new entrants to the market will certainly not airy. Christoph Schneider shows industry in the Munich area, almost tantalizingly left, when the German CEO of Amazon Prime Video asserts, “in the face of many plans to hear from them constantly is, you have to see what will be implemented at the end of the day”. But if Disney turns with super heroes ums Porta leak, Warner with Harry Potter, and both with the original series, then get yourself to feel his powerful trade group. And the level anyway. Mass, regardless of quality, wins the 2019 is probably more about class.