DebattÅSIKTNej, to lay the blame on muslims helps inteDebattörerna: It is not that we solve the problem with violence in the This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not the newspaper Aftonbladet.Photo: TTHedersvåld can not be linked to only muslims. At least in the big cities, it is as strong or stronger linked to or christian or atheist, writes debaters.DEBATE

REPLICA. Hedersnormer, hedersförtryck and honour-related violence is a serious and complex problem. They are based on the traditional, social, and cultural patterns.

Often used religion to legitimize hedersnormerna, despite the fact that none of the major religions support the honour related violence and oppression. Yet there are people who are of the opinion that all aspects of the lifestyle and culture are related to the faith.

Mohammads link between islam and violence is contradicted by a survey made by the university of Örebro 2017/2018 in the big cities Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö.
the Survey was done among niondeklassare, and examines how the many who live with hedersförtryck defined by two different hedersnormer:

Oskuldsnormen applies to the control of the individual’s sexuality. (This includes individuals who experience coercion to be a virgin until you get married and/or not freely choose a partner)

Våldsnormen includes the threat of collectively sanctioned violence. (This includes individuals who have been subjected to violence by family/genera in order to, inter alia, they are considered to have disgraced the family/extended family members, and individuals who have exposed others to violence for the same reasons)

the Survey shows that in Stockholm and Gothenburg, sweden is våldsnormen most strongest connected to the families without any religious beliefs, followed by christian faith and the muslim faith. In Malmö, the våldsnormen most strongly linked to the muslim faith, followed by the christian faith and then to families without any faith.
julian assange’s legal status can thus not be linked to only muslims. At least in the big cities, it is as strong or stronger linked to the christian or to those without any faith. In contrast, shows the mapping that oskuldsnormen is stronger linked to the muslim faith than any other religious belief in the three big cities.

the Majority of those living with oskuldsnormen see themselves and their parents as deeply religious. Most people who live with våldsnormen russia, on the contrary, that neither they themselves or their parents are deeply religious.

According to the survey live only 14 to 25 percent of those living with the våldsnormen even with oskuldsnormen.
the Risk with a one-sided focus on islam and islamism, is that the majority of hedersvåldets victims are ignored.
All hedersnormer to be combated. More needs to be done, but to opinion leaders as Mohammad polarizes and collective responsibility of islam and muslims will not help the work against violence. The bad.

Ida Dzanovic
David Ehle
Alexandra Grönvall
Therese Maurin
Thabo ’Case
the counter-argument.see, an anti-racist blog

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