“Now Donald Trump the chance to be re-elected”
“by Per Shapiro about a journalistic and a political fiasco”
“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”
“So come to the last mueller’s report and popped the balloon that the media, in the establishment blown up during the two and a half years. The journalists who dared to ask critical questions have been few. “
“One of them, Matt Taibbi, now compare with the devastating journalistic fiasco that took place in the run-up to the Iraq war in 2003. He notes that even if the crash about ”Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction” was much more devastating in terms of human life, that is the lies, the inaccuracies and speculation that characterised the ”Russiagate” significantly more problematic for journalism and trust in the same.”
“the Accusations about Russian interference in the presidential election in 2016 were fuelled by the Democratic partietablissemang wanted to blame the responsibility for the disastrous election loss. The leadership of the party had Hillary Clinton placed on a wooden, korruptionstyngd presidential candidate. Her campaign was turned off, and the elitist and could not mobilize sufficient arbetarklassröster to even beat the unpopular clown Trump in nyckelstater as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, Michigan and Ohio. “
“The dollardränkta democratic thoroughfares refused to take an honest look in the mirror and see what it has become over the past few decades – a party that abandoned the working class, the peace movement and issues of social justice and ecological sustainability. A party which, simplified, sold his soul to Wall street and lost his ushered a major period. Instead of soul-searching, they chose, therefore, to lay the blame for the election loss in the lap of Putin.”
“Even if the roots of the story went further back debuted Russiagate as mediefenomen summer of 2016. Then the trickling parts out of the so-called Trump-a dossier, compiled by a former british spy. Articles were published on the korrupte fastighetsmogulens Rysslandskopplingar. Trump utmålades as Putin’s candidate, bred by Russian intelligence to sow discord between the countries in the Natosfären. “
“the Obsession of the Russiagate have obscured the view of the real crimes of the current administration have committed”
“Soon, the FBI was working on the case and once the snowball has started to roll through the journalism echo chamber was no end. Every single night and every single big tv channel people got to hear about the recent death of Flynn, Mannafort, Papadopoulus and constantly new people in a growing konspiratoriskt set of characters.”
“It was a kind of medial masspsykos where, in principle, which claims that at any time Russia could be brought forward without evidence. Mr Donald would have been smygfilmad when he allowed the prostitute in a hotel room in Moscow pee on the bed where Barack and Michelle Obama once had stayed. “
“it is Not enough that the russians were alleged to have stolen the election. Via their puppet in the White house they had now taken control over the entire presidency. “
“Most extreme perhaps has MSNBC been, where host Rachel Maddow has found a new Rysslandsvinkel almost every day for two years. When the united states in February was hit by a cold spell was she about what would happen if the russians knocked out the power grid.”
“the Obsession of the Russiagate have obscured the view of the real crimes of the current administration have committed, and for the reality that most americans live in. “
“the Media has ignored the growing economic and social inequalities and suffering in a country where half the population lives in poverty, democratic institutions have collapsed. Journalism seems to have missed that it was these huge problems – not Russian manipulation – who have received angry and desperate americans to choose a demagogue who at least wrote the elites, including elitjournalisterna in the major media houses. “
“Konspirationstänkandet has also paved the way for a new kind of McCarthyism, where progressive politicians systematically misstänkliggörs. The latest in the line that is singled out by the Russian propaganda machine is Tulsi Gabbard, a veteran from Hawaii who stated that she is a candidate for the presidential election in 2020.”
“Smutskastningen also be directed against the few journalists, Glenn Greenwald at the tip, which questioned the Russiagate and taken on the role of devil’s advocate. All of a sudden became all the stamped as a traitor who does not uncritically bought the ”leaks” that were delivered by the CIA, the FBI and the NSA – the same intelligence agencies who lied the nation into war and sworn before congress that it is not spying on american citizens.”
“the Washington Post went so far as to publish a blacklist of over 200 web pages, provided from the obscure researchgruppen PropOrNot – that, without any explanation, allegedly spread Russian propaganda. Looking at the list, one finds many progressive sites such as Truthdig, Counterpunch, Black Agenda Report.”
“PropOrNot informed readers that if you see the news sites that criticize the mainstream media, the EU, Nato, Obama, Clinton, Merkel or others in ”the Middle”, then yes, it is a sign of Russian propaganda.”
“The underlying goal is, according to the late journalist Robert Parry, to reinforce Washington’s groupthink by creating a system that shuts down or marginalise dissenting views and headlining uncomfortable opinions – no matter how välresearchade they are – which is classified as false by the mainstreams ”faktagranskande” bodies.”
“After the article in the Washington Post followed a wave of censorship. In order to placate a hostile american congress launched Facebook’s ceo Mark Zuckerberg a collaboration with Natonära think tank Atlantic Council, which is now helping Facebook to keep it clean from the ”fake news”. Here you do not need to be Einstein to realize that sites critical of american imperialism and the military-industrial complex (which, at the side of the u.s. government is one of the main sponsors of the Atlantic Council) have the potential to meet the criteria for the fake news. “
“mueller’s report was not the triumph of the Democrats hoped for. The whole spectacle turned out to be FAKE NEWS, Trump tweeted so many times in big letters. Instead to crush the sitting president has mueller’s investigation accomplished the opposite. Recently said more than 50 per cent in a poll for USA Today that they saw the investigation as a witch hunt. Today, the proportion to be considerably higher.”
“Rysslandsdrevet against Trump may be one of the most counter-productive projects ever. We have to do with a president that has greatly worsened the chances for life’s future on earth. Trump’s administration consists of a collection of ‘climate change deniers’, warmongers and war criminals that have gotten the united states to leave the paris agreement, withdraw from the kärnenergiavtalet with Iran, and the historic disarmament treaty INF with Russia. “
“But they most say they hate Trump with his bizarre conspiracy theories come to give ”the Lyin’ King” and his views on the world redress. Now it looks suddenly like he has a chance to be re-elected next year. In that case, he ought to say a special thank you to all the politicians, journalists and underrättelsefolk that made it possible. “
“Chris Hedges, former longtime foreign correspondent for the New York Times, recently wrote: ”It is not just Trump who has obliterated the border between fact and fiction. It also has journalism done. By reporting and bid up the accusations never investigated or confirmed to have committed suicide. A country that lacks a functioning journalism turns into tyranny. It’s not Trump’s fault but our own.””
“radio journalist in nuevo laredo, mainly for the Caliber, the Echo and P1 documentary”