If you are one of those who believe, december is at its best when it is white, then there is hope ahead. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday there is a high probability that there will be sleet and snow showers over the country. Sunday, expect DMI even a regular snow fall across the country.

– There are wintry showers. Showers with sleet or even snow, ” says Lars Henriksen, meteorologist at DMI.

DMI expect temperatures between the freezing point and the three degrees in the daytime on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, while there will be night frosts in most places.

– It means that if there comes the sleet and snow, then it begins to be able to put themselves around.

– So maybe you can already on Thursday or Friday make winter’s first snowball, says Lars Henriksen.

There will be large regional differences. According to the DMI is snow showers most likely in areas out to the Kattegat and the Baltic sea.

Sunday, expect DMI a more regular snowfall, which comes over Denmark from the west.

– We expect it – right now at least – is that the transition will provide three to five centimeters of snow, says the weatherman.

However, you need to hurry up to jump in the suit on Sunday, for the DMI expects that temperatures will increase already the end of Sunday.

– Milder air intrudes from the west, and it (the snow red.) will therefore gradually move over in the rain.

– So it is fast to get out and enjoy the good of it, if you are into snow, ” says Lars Henriksen.

the Next week waiting for the danes to milder weather.