AUBERVILLIERS, Paris – Hundreds are sleeping every night in the camp of mud and tents to a Northern suburb of Paris. After yet another eviction of November at porte de la Chapelle, there remain over 2000 people, according to France Terre d’asile, in the makeshift camp at the outskirts of the capital. For many asylum seekers find a place in the system of reception in French means to wait for months, sleeping on the streets of Paris (because of a housing shortage), or continue the journey to Calais, hoping to hide in trucks that pass to arrive in Britain.

there Are hundreds of asylum-seekers pending a solution . A group of young Eritreans share a soup and a few pieces of bread distributed on the side of the road by a group of volunteers. Hundreds are in line for a hot meal, while on the wet grass not far from the main road, the numerous makeshift tents stand out in the mist of winter, while light fires to try and stay dry and warm. “I thought I had found freedom, but we are prisoners of this situation,” says Aben, 15 years, the Eritrean. “We are free here, not like in Libya, but this was not the Europe that we expected to find”.

From Eritrea, an escape, risking their lives . After arrival in Catania, Aben tells how he escaped almost immediately from the centre where he was welcomed after the landing, with a stop in Ventimiglia and then France. Travelling alone for over 3 years, Aben has left the family in Gogne, in the region of Gash-Barka, in the south-west corner of Eritrea. “The first time, when I tried to cross the border, I was arrested and imprisoned in Teseney”, – a town close to the border with Sudan continues, “now, I want to try to go to England, because we live every day in the belief that something will go well, with the certainty that something makes sense”.

The detention and violations in Libya. While Aben tells of the days locked up in a detention centre on libyan Zuwara, west of Tripoli, do you remember when the International Organization for Migration (OIM/IOM) had asked to return to Eritrea, “I accepted,” he says, “because that was the only alternative to exit from the detention center.” According to the data of the IOM, in the first 3 months of 2019, 2.463 people have opted to leave Libya, through the program of voluntary returns; up to March 2019, were 21 the Eritreans arrived in Asmara, confirms a source in the organization in Tripoli. In spite of the procedures of identification, Aben says they changed their mind, “7 of us – myself included – after a protest at the airport before departure, we managed to escape while we moved to a detention centre in Tripoli”. After a few months in Gargaresh, a western suburb of the libyan capital, together with a group of Eritreans Aben decides to rely on a smuggler libyan Zawya, then the crossing, the arrival in Italy and the flight to Ventimiglia, where “for the smaller and more easy to cross the border,” he says.

humanitarian crisis at the doors of Paris . In the camp, improvised in the French capital, where Aben lives by a few weeks, the cross looks worried about men and women, stories of courage and humanity, but also frustration and anger, because, as they tell some of the boys from the capital of Kabul, today, you consider Afghanistan, in fact, as a “safe third country”. There are young people of Guinea and Mali, the ‘invisible prisoners of the Dublin system’, or those who have filed request for asylum in the first country of arrival in the EU, and who are forced to wait 18 months to reapply for asylum. On the one hand the somalis and the eritreans, on the other hand, a group of Sudanese; between the curtains of the one that Dominique Versini, the deputy mayor of Paris, consider this a real humanitarian crisis, “there is a precarious situation that highlights once again the inability to resolve the question of hospitality”.

is Missing, the desire to create a stable system . Another attempt evacuation at Porte de la Chapelle – the 59novesimo from 2015 – it is dated the beginning of November and was organised with a massive police operation (over 600 agents); in fact, it appears to be yet another effort of a long arm of iron with the municipality of Paris. For the deputy mayor, Dominique Versini, a life dedicated to the fight against social exclusion, “there is a total lack of political will to create a model of the acceptance stable”, because if the system leads young people to an existence that is precarious, the French authorities have continued to “dismantle the camps” only to see them sprout after a few months. An excessive charge – with about 40,000 members of families, including 20,000 children, are hosted in the hotel – and a policy ineffective, the complaint Dominique Versini, but also difficult relations with the French government; they are conditions more decent and a widespread welcome throughout the course of the exile”, he concludes.

An endless cycle of confiscation, evacuations and violence. Although the laws and international agreements require France to guarantee the protection of migrants and unaccompanied children, in reality, according to the associations involved in assisting migrants, is done very little to provide them with a shelter and adequate care. Doctors Without Borders (MSF), along with 22 other French organisations calls for solutions to be real and sustainable: the evacuations are at the same time, the symptom of a system that is “obviously illegal”, that does not respect the fundamental rights and authorizes a “constant violence against migrants”.

evictions in Paris. For Christophe Castaner, minister of the interior of Elisha, the turning point of the French not only to be able to vacate by the end of the year the camps in the north-east of Paris, where they live from 1.500 to 3 thousand people”, but to impose a more rigid and “entrance fees for economic migrants, and nothing to care for asylum seekers”. The camps of the migrants are “an anomaly in the operation of the reception system and the asylum,” he explained Castaner and remember that in 2019, France has recorded the record in europe, with over 120,000 asylum requests, according to the figures of the Ofpra, the French office for the protection of refugees and stateless persons.

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