“Poland wants 89-year-old extradited from Sweden”

“Poland wants to be an 89-year-old man released from the Sweden to be held to account for his time as a judge during the communist era, but a Swedish court has rejected a European arrest warrant issued by Poland. After the request of the Polish foreign ministry in Warsaw was Sweden’s ambassador Stefan Gullberg there and met with Poland’s deputy foreign minister Szymon Szynkowski vel Sec on Tuesday.”

“We have taken some of the Polish representatives views on this issue,” says William Rundquist, presskommunikatör at the Swedish ministry for foreign affairs, to the TT.”

“According to the Polish news agency PAP accused 89-year-old for a 30-speech actions he took as a judge for the beginning of the 1950s, including utdömanden of the death penalty against the Polish antikommunister.”

“the Warrant was issued in november last year, but in the beginning of February was rejected by a court in Gothenburg, with reference to the limitation period, and that the man is now a Swedish citizen, writing PAP.”