“Private insurance guarantor for the welfare”

“Replica from the Swedish Insurance if sjukvårdsförsäkringarna”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Today has 650, 000 people a health insurance. It looks a LO like a giftcocktail that threatens the welfare when it is just the opposite. “

“LO, the claim that the insurance is for men with high income and long education. Nothing could be more wrong. It shows the statistics about the health insurance available to all.”

“health insurance is the most common in industries such as construction, civil engineering, retail and manufacturing industries. It is also common in financial and legal services. “

“the Insurance is less common in the public sector where many women work. More than half of the insured persons have an income below 37 000 sek per month.”

“today, There is broad public support for a publicly funded welfare in Sweden. The quality of care is high-class. The problem lies in a low availability. “

“the care Guarantee in the publicly funded health care gives you the right to visit with a specialist within 90 days. This is met for 80% of the patients. When it comes to surgery or other action is met for only 68% within the time limit of 90 days. “

“The most common is that employers with 2-30 employees purchase health care insurance for all its employees as part of the work environment. “

“That the staff is healthy and can quickly return to work after illness gives both employers and their employees are a greater security. With a health care insurance is the insured guaranteed visits with the specialist in about 7 days and surgery within 20 days after the operation has been approved by the doctor.”

“Sjukvårdsförsäkringarna currently account for 1 per cent of the costs of care in Sweden. The insurance relieves the taxpayer-funded health care, filling out time of private providers the county councils choose not to buy, help to keep private business going and the sickness absence rate in the community down there. “

“health insurance is the hälsococktail that society needs in order to maintain the tax-funded welfare in today’s level and provide citizens with the care they need.”

“nEva Erlandsson, senior economist, Swedish Insurance”

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“the Article is a replica. Read the full the debate here – ”