in the Past have mainly men are booked to the festival, but even if the uk wants to become a more equal festival is this year’s line-up no big conscious selection. Rather is the reason simply that the schedule quickly filled when festivalledningen listed their favorite artists.

” We sat down and began to list the coolest women we would like to have on the scene, and then it became full. We realized that we got on enough artists to fill three festivalers program, so then we thought then we run on it, ” says the uk communicator of the Mir Grebäck von Melen to SVT, Sweden.

actually called Isabel Sandblom, is one of the year’s booked artists.

” as long As it becomes a news when a festival is betting on the only women in their “lineup” is it a sign that we are not truly equal yet, ” she says to SVT.

Öland Roots takes place in the Sandbergen on 10-13 July.

Skivrecension: Sister Sol – ”Between the lines”