“Riksgränsen alarm: ”There is an unusual amount of snow this year””
“It is snowing heavily in Riksgränsen, over four feet have come so far in the year and the snow continues to fall. “
“– It’s absolutely crazy, there have been blizzards, I don’t know if there is a record but there is an unusual amount of snow, ” says Per Jonsson, Öhlin, marketing manager at Laplandsresorts.”
“In some parts of Sweden the snow has been in short supply in the winter and some ski resorts have had problems with being able to open all ski areas. The problem has not Riksgränsen, Sweden’s northernmost ski resort, had. “
“– There has been a blizzard up here, and in places it has come a good distance over four metres, ” says Per Jonsson, Öhlin.”
“On Monday Riksgränsen up a picture on his Facebook page with a person who has been shoveling the front entrance to his house. To the image had the text, ”There will be a lot of questions about the snow so we think this image can straighten out some question marks”. “
“– very many believe that there is a first April fool’s joke but it is not. In their places there is this much snow, a bit over four feet. This was a person who came up here to the border and had to clear the snow until his entrance to the house, ” says the head of marketing.”
“it Is a record amount of snow?”
“– I dare not say if there is a record or not, but there is unusually much snow in years, so much I can say. “
“”does not Affect the opening hours””
“Riksgränsen opened its facility on 1 march and is open until 26 may, then you have closed until midsummer, when it will open for skiing during midsummer. Despite the fact that it has already got over four feet of snow and that, according to the weather forecast is going to fall even more, don’t think, Per Jonsson, the amount of snow will change anything. “
“– It will not affect our opening hours. We will probably close at the end of may, to open again to midsummer as usual, ” he says. “