The music of Rosalia had already come to Mexico. But this young Catalan of 25 years, which has revolutionized the music industry in Spain, is the first that comes. You have landed in the mexican capital as a pop star to promote his album, The wrong to want to, without even to give a concert —as well as won two Latin Grammy awards, just one song, without taking out still the album—. With success should you anticipate the way, it seems that you saved to this new audience the best for the end: first, Badly; after that, the entire disc; and, as dessert, the first live show planned for the festival Ceremony, on the 6th of April. The phenomenon Rosalia has crossed the ocean; the conquest of the american has just begun.


Rosalia, the phenomenon of the more exotic of the Latin Grammy awards why ‘The wrong to want to’ Rosalia is a masterpiece what Rosaqué? Rosalia, journey of flamenco to the ‘trap’

“I don’t do songs for them to stay at home or to my friends, who are musicians, I say: ‘How cool, Rosalia'”, points to this journal from a room of a luxury hotel in Mexico City. She, as an artistic proposal, and their music, were not going to just stay in the Peninsula. His kingdom has finally landed in the right place, exact, that can catapult it to a market of millions of people. This young artist, raised in the era of Youtube and social networks, has understood —very quickly— how to break into the global scene.

Question. By what has been begun by Mexico?

Response. , Because I like the musical tradition that has, the love for music. And because I’ve noticed a lot of love in the networks of the people here. I have a special connection with this site… I’ve felt It.

Q. What is Latin america on your disk?

A. Latin music has always been an influence for me. Simon Diaz I love, Chavela [Vargas] I love, Caetano [Veloso], is a big influence for me. In The wrong to want to is that there are a lot of music… Clearly, is the inspiration flamenco more than any other, but also coexist with other references and the Latin music is a very important.

Q. Speak to you as a phenomenon, what do you think is unique about your proposal to consider as well?

In Mexico there is a lot of passion for the flamenco. And I love the open minds that are here.

A. To see, is that I think that this is something that…Or, I’m a musician, I make music and then what happens afterwards is not something that I can control. And always me it’s difficult to analyze something like that, isn’t it? As a musician, I try that the center of it all are the songs and the research, but also care other details of my proposal and that I believe that I get my work in a way more direct to the public.

Q. what Details that have nothing to do with your music?

A. For example, I am convinced that the visual reinforces the proposal that musical and I am very on top of on top of the photos, the videos, super involved in the creation of the live show… Forvetbet To serve my music, I decide where I want to go first. I also like to trust my intuition, as he was coming to Mexico.

Q. Some other artists of his generation, such as C. Tangana, speak of their songs as products, what is considered to be also an entrepreneur?

A. First of all I’m a musician. But it also matters to me the way in which it’s served my music, how it gets to others. Because for me the important thing is that you reach, once I’ve done it. And I also think that it is good to take, and not only to be creative in terms of music. When we speak of strategy, in my case… Well I just don’t like to leave random things. If I take decisions, I take them. I mean… I don’t know how to tell you… If the cover of your album is a strategic decision, can be.I am involved in that and I think it is crucial for people to listen to the music that I’ve done. At all times I am leading my project.

Q. To what extent do you care to sell?

A. I Think that is one more part of my work. At the time you earn money for your work, which in my case is my music, and have a computer, then that means that you are a businessman, isn’t it? Probably… Though now I realize how difficult it is living with the music and the people are very surprised when you see that the majority of artists do not make their living selling records, but by doing many other activities: as with the direct, or even with partnerships with brands…All of that you learn and you realize that if you want to make your living and you want to make an ambitious project like this, you have to make decisions, musical and not. Then attempt to carry it with ease. And I feel that, first of all, the important thing for me is to devote my time to the study and to the stage.

Rosalia opens and closes her hands as if to sing when he speaks. Your nails baroque extends the length of your fingers more inches than usual. Has already explained that this part of their body is the most important when it expresses and the diamonds and the acrylic that decorate them have, in addition, another objective: “they make Me feel more powerful, more feminine”. And has become his trademark.

Q. has been regarded herself as an ambassador of flamenco outside of Spain. Who is taking over in that position?

A. I Always remember all the artists that have made me here. As for the flamenco, Morente, Carmen Amaya, Lola Flores, Ketama, Pata Negra, all of these groups that have done that today flamenco has the place it has in the world and that even I, making a proposal that drinks so much of this music, and that we should also, I feel grateful to you for bringing it up here.

Q. do you Think that through them you understand their music now from this side?

A. I think that is obvious, isn’t it? Clear. Without all of these artists, my music, first of all, would not exist; and then, you would not have the room that you have. But I do think that in Mexico there is a lot of fondness for this genre. And I love the open minds that are here. How beautiful that you can embrace so many types of different proposals.

Q. are You surprised that your drive, inspiration flamenco, so risky, give back to the world and to have this acceptance? —shortly after leaving, at the beginning of November, reached top 10 positions in the list of best álbumonth latinos in the ranking of Billboard and was placed in the first position on the Itunes Latin america—.

A. To see… —assimilates— it is Always a surprise, when you see that your work can reach places that I never would have imagined. It makes Me very happy. Because I don’t do this for you to stay at home or to my friends who are musicians say to me: “How cool, Rosalia”. No, what I do to reach to the people. Without pointing to any specific public, just try to do something exciting. And then, that is what God wants. It is a pride to be able to bring my music here, be in Los Angeles acting, play in UK —mentioned-in English-to-Uk—, present the album in Madrid… Of blow, make sense of all the years of work behind it. It is a dream, do you know?