Time Magazine has named the murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, together with other reporters for the “Person of the year”. The US magazine announced on Tuesday that title go to the “guards” in the “war against the truth”. Khashoggi worked as a columnist for the “Washington Post” and was a critic of the government in Riyadh. He was murdered in October by a hit squad in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. Furthermore, the suspicion that the Saudi knew ash crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of the fact, or even ordered.

The “Time Magazine” also paid tribute to Maria Ressa (55) in the Philippines, which operates the news website “Rappler”. “Rappler” to draw the brutal war against drugs by President Rodrigo Duterte, reported the magazine. Ressa threatened up to ten years in prison, after the news site had been accused of tax offences. Was also awarded the editorial office of the newspaper “The Capital Gazette” in Annapolis in the U.S. state of Maryland. An assassin had shot and killed in June, five employees of the sheet.

“Time Magazine” pays tribute to Myanmar’s detained journalists

Furthermore, the U.S. magazine paid tribute to two young reporters of the news Agency Reuters, detained for a year in Myanmar. The two Myanmarer Kyaw Soe Oo (28) and Wa Lone (32), as the majority of their countrymen Buddhists – had researched account of a massacre of the army of ten boys and men of the Muslim minority of Rohingya. Overall, thousands died. More than 700 000 Rohingya have been expelled from the country.

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Mohammed bin Salman, US senators accuse Saudi Prince in the case of Khashoggi

The “Time”editorial honors since 1927 the most influential personalities of world events. Finally, the women, the broken in the context of the #MeeToo debate the Silence, and about sexism and sexual Assault were reported. To belong to one of the Honored German Chancellor Angela Merkel, US President, Donald Trump and in the past, Adolf Hitler, Queen Elizabeth II and Nobel peace prize laureate Nelson Mandela. (dpa)