“She returns to ”the Swedish planners””
“Charged for the new fights if the enemies meet”
“When Swedish Planners are returning in the autumn dusted a former participant of.”
“Nöjesbladet can reveal that the 47-year-old Norwegian is contracted for season 13 of the controversial reality show.”
“the Recording of the autumn season has just been launched in Los Angeles.”
“the Veterans Maria blackberry begins work and Gunilla Persson is reported to both be involved from the start.”
“Maria blackberry begins work on is also the only participant who has been with since the program started in 2009.”
“Gunilla Persson is not far behind with nine seasons.”
“In the last year returned, Anka to the series, her first appearance since premiärsäsongen.”
“When the old and the new wives were gathered in the ”Reunion”, it struck sparks on the meeting between Anna Anka and Siv Cotton.”
“– It almost became a fist fight. She went up out of the chair and came towards me – completely bindgalen, said the Cotton afterwards to Nöjesbladet.”
“the Cause of the quarrel was a quarrel about the nakenfotografering as the Cotton made her when she was in season six.”
“– I mix me not with these people. Everything she does is about sex, sex and porn, ” said Anna Duck into the program.”
“If Paul Ankas ex-wife renewed confidence in ”Planners” learn the feud resumes.”
“– This is certainly why Siv has been hired. The producers expect that she and Anna will not agree, and that there will be dramatic tv, ” says an informant.”
“Siv Cotton is divorced and runs a real estate office in Beverly Hills.”
“Nöjesbladet have searched her and TV3 for a comment.”