“Signal: It is ok for conservatives to mygla”

“Paul Ronge: Shocking the poor crisis management of the M in Bengtzboe-deal”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. The moderate parliamentarian Erik Bengtzboe is the latest politician in a long line of Aftonbladet’s acclaimed dig ”Power receipts” are caught with their fingers in the pie as well.”

“He has usurped over 158 000 sek by a folkbokföringsupplägg where he was written with his mother in Nyköping, sweden, at the same time as he had for his wife and children in southern Stockholm.”

“Confronted by Aftonbladet, he changed his first affidavit that he lived in a boy’s room in his mother’s villa in the Nyköping to that he lived in her vacation home. According to the task, however, is the south not built for permanent residents.”

“Prosecutors have now decided to review the case.”

“In the amounts and approach are Erik Bengtzboes action is not the worst of the cases uncovered so far.”

“Emma Carlsson Löfdahl (L) ended up in the preliminary investigation for fraud for a total of 412 000 sek. Her approach was more refined than Bengtzboes then she rented a dwelling of his own man and allowed the parliament to pay.”

“the Case Bengtzboe stand rather out by a shocking crisis management – or rather lack of it. Regards Erik Bengtzboe itself, but perhaps in a still higher degree, his party – the Conservatives.”

“First Bengtzboe:”

“It’s probably southern india to s who should have the intelligence to lead Sweden can behave so urbota stupid. Who is buying a man over 30 with a wife and two children in an apartment in Stockholm, close to the workplace, the Swedish parliament really would like to stay in pojkrummet in her mother’s villa, or for that matter in a summer home that is not even a permanent home? “

“A simple basic rule: you don’t Want to end up on the” headlines because of an indefensible act, let it be to do it from the beginning. The cheapest and the best crisis management is to endeavour to ensure that a crisis does not occur.”

“When the crisis still occurred – do not lie, and do not attempt to when you will be told to pretend that it’s raining. “

“Reasonably Bengtzboe had your eye on wherever he lived and not lived. That after the media press suddenly change its mind and say that it was the summerhouse he would actually been written in and not the villa seems totally desperate and gives no credibility.”

“Take the consequences. Bengtzboe within the moderate party promoted itself as a hawk against the contribution, at the risk he now has to end up in a criminal investigation if the right contributions – but in this case the fraudulent ones. “

“In a situation like this, it is just to make the pain short and resign. Bengtzboe has (as of this writing) has not announced his resignation.”

“When the Liberals were clear as to the extent of Emma Carlsson Löfdahls dodging the hit the to directly. She no longer had the party’s confidence. Carlsson Löfdahl is now a maverick and may self-manage it disreputable in the world perceive that it is all about greed, an attempt to squeeze out as much as possible of its riksdagsplats. “

“the Scandal surrounding her can go several yards further, but it will not affect the Liberals.”

“the Conservatives have, however, refused to answer whether the Bengtzboe continued have the party’s confidence. Ulf Kristersson speaks at all not. “

“Captain Tobias Billström, says that ”the situation is serious”, which is a standard formula that can really mean anything. He adds that if it turned out wrong, then it should be corrected. But he does not respond to the question of Bengtzboe should resign.”

“Now is signaling to Conservatives that it can be okay to cheat and mygla to benefits if you just pay back ”when it is wrong”.”

“crisis management is lax and directly dangerous for a political party. Not least for a party that is eager to brand themselves as morally superior with zero tolerance for benefit fraud and the methods that the shoe itself on the system.”

“I find it hard to see that this story still can end in any other way than to Bengtzboe resign or be forced out. “

“But it is sad for the Conservatives that they, when they had the chance to put your foot down and say that Bengtzboe with their actions broke against the party of morals and ethics, rather than hovering on the target. “

“nPaul Ronge, crisis managers and media advisers”

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