“Soraya Post: Put down the EU parliament in Strasbourg,”

“Fi’s top names aiming to be re-elected – despite skräcksiffrorna”

“Feminist initiatives need over a hundred thousand votes – otherwise they go out of the EU-parliament. “

“top name Soraya Post is absolutely sure that they succeed. “

“– Before the 2014 elections was all of a sudden feminists and anti-racists. But when they came in, it became totally silent. We deliver what we promise, ” she says. “

“Feminist initiative is, according to Sifos last measurement at 1.5 per cent and is thus over a hundred thousand votes to get a seat in the EU parliament. The party that made a succéval 2014 therefore to go the same fate as the challengers, the June list and the Pirate party. Quickly in and quickly out of the european power’s stronghold. “

“Förstanamnet Soraya Post, however, takes the rates with the ro. “

“When Aftonbladet meets her in Stockholm on a spring day in early april she is on her legs again after trouble with arthritis and an injury in the meniscus. “

” I could not get out of bed in three days. Now I’ve got a kortisonspruta and to do physical therapy for two months, ” she says. “

“How serious is the opinion of the party?”

“– with campaigning has not yet begun. It is more interesting to do polls when we are in the election campaign. I am 100% sure that we will check. We have pursued the questions that no one else has driven. Before the 2014 elections was all of a sudden feminists and anti-racists. But when they came in, it became totally silent. We deliver what we promise. “

“EU-sceptics as the curved”

“In the referendum on EU membership in 1994 voted Post no. And when she became topical as a candidate twenty years later, she was still skeptical. She came in with a political contempt, but got to see many hard-working politicians, and swung in their opinion. Now, she believes that the EUROPEAN union needed to solve common issues such as climate change, migration, gender equality and human rights. But the details, the union can ignore it. “

“– Take it there with sojakorvar. There is a proposal that you don’t get to call it sausage. It is not wise. “

“She is also critical of the members of parliament commute between Brussels and Strasbourg. It costs taxpayers hundreds of millions annually, and is also bad for the environment, she believes. “

“– You should close down the Strasbourg. To have both is sick. “

“Should parliamentarians to restrict their flying for environmental reasons?”

” It is very difficult. If I were to take the train from Brussels to Gothenburg, it would take one and a half days. I would not be able to be at home in Sweden, anything, and I have family there. I need to fly. “

“Focused on roma people’s lives”

“Soraya Post’s highest priority during the term of office has been the roma situation. She is most pleased to have managed to change the perspective in question. From talking about social problems to talk about racism. “

“She has also gained through a recognition of the roma as victims of the Holocaust. “

“Has your work led to any concrete improvements in roma living situation?”

“– It will do it. I know this because you now have a completely different entrance. I’ve got it up on the agenda so that there will be continuity in the question. It is not always easy to get it, especially not during a term of office that has been so focused on the migration issue. “

“What is the biggest difference between you and the Left party, they also have a feminist profile?”

“– they Say yes. The left is talking about feminism and trying to learn from us. We live feminism is the original.”

“But what is the difference?”

“– We have a completely different power analysis, they try to learn but are unable to get into all that we say. “

“Soraya Post highlights among other things the issues that other mps have liked to see the EU parliament’s’s women’s committee” to take care of. For example, women’s situations in the war. “

“– It’s not a women’s issue, it is foreign policy. I wanted to have a female medlarnätverk, it is found in many countries. Where the departed left party Malin Björk from the vote. It was a feminist miss. “

“How will the EU be able to agree on a common stance on key issues when the tension is increasing?”

“– Where the balls I over to the voters. Use your voice. Nothing is, of course, not even democracy. We must use our votes to. “

“the Family: Four adult children and nine grandchildren.”

“Income: 71 500 dollars a month .”

“Favorite place in Europe: Prague.”

“the Language I speak: Romani, English, German and Swedish.”

“the Places I lived in: Gothenburg and Färgelanda.”

“Favoritmatland: India.”

“this is european for me: beer.”

“Therefore you should vote for me: If you want to have someone who is fighting for democracy, equality and social affairs, then I am the only one. “

“Should the EU have a common aviation tax? “

” Yes. But, it should not only be able to buy themselves free. “

“Should the EU have a common army? “

“Should the EU decide on how many refugees member states shall receive? “

“– Yes, I think we should have a common asylum policy and that we should be in solidarity with each other. It will build on what you have for the economic situation in the member state. “

“Should the EU parliament be allowed to have paid side quests, for example, in corporate boardrooms? “

” No, I think not. As EU parliamentarians, should be available basically all the time. I can’t understand how you would be able to have time to do anything else.”

“Should the EU intervene in national policies if it violates the EU’s fundamental values? “

” Absolutely. That member state may write that you believe in the values and the articles that are presented in the treaty. Violating it is bad out there. “

“the EUROPEAN elections described as the most important so far. Why is it important?”

“– We are faced with insanely big problems and challenges. Far-right political parties grow strong and many are EU-critical. They can stop the political process in the EU, it will be difficult to drive policy. The second challenge is the climate. We are in an emergency situation. “