“Spotify is gearing up for a new poddvärld”

“Patrik Syk of an infrastructure under transformation”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“2008 was the music industry in crisis. Record sales three at the same time as an odd war between the industry and the illegal nedladdningstjänsterna raged on the internet. That the future of the music industry was via internetkabeln rather than over the counter was so clearly an established fact but nedladdningskomsumtionen was fuzzy and difficult to check.”

“Then appeared Spotify up and offered something else. Music that was streamed instead of downloaded. A seemingly endless library available from anywhere. Nedladdningskonsumtionen became a streamingkonsumtion and thus took the music industry a crucial step up with a time that ran from it in over a decade. A few years later, Netflix and did the same for the film and television industry. Now can podcastbranschen go the same way. Without you even noticing it.”


“Wait now, I stream my pods”, you may be thinking now. And there, you might feel that you do. To explain, I must unfortunately get a little technical. Podcastsdistributionen and poddspelarna is today almost entirely constructed on so-called RSS feeder. A simple method for transferring information, as an audio file for example, but almost not tell anything about the one who receives it. “

“These RSS-feeder is then loaded up on a variety of platforms and via the platforms, the users get easy access to the information. Simple and pretty user-friendly, absolutely. But for those who want to make business out of his podcast gets the RSS model soon frustrating. Modern advertising system, betalväggar and so on are dependent on some information sent back to the sender. RSS is a one-way traffic and it has so far prevented the really big advertisers from investing in poddmarknaden.”


“On the podcast as a medium to step out of the do-it-yourself-closet and become an established mainstreammedium so is this shift necessary. When Spotify recently bought podcastbolaget Gimlet for huge money, it was a statement that streamingjätten are serious about their podcastsatsning. But it is about more than just producing content, Spotify wants to make the podcast be streamed and in the end change the whole poddmarknadens infrastructure, might even be that Youtube has become for the video. If they succeed remains to be seen. “